Friday, March 4, 2011

30 before 30

So I have approximately three years and some change left before I turn thirty.

 I know, I know why am I talking about something that is 3 years away...

However, when I was 18 I started writing a list of things I wanted to do or accomplish before I turned 30.  Its funny now to look back and read these.  No judgement please.  
Lets just see if I can actually accomplish what 18 year old me really wanted to have.

1. Learn how to mow the lawn with a real lawn mower.  Right now at my current house we have just a small patch of grass out front that we use an old time push mower.  Its fun because it gives me a great arm workout, but I want to learn to use the real thing and feel like it is necessary before I get married.

2. Get out of debt.  This is a major one for me since I have been in debt since 2007 and I really want to get out of debt soon.  Its actually one of my 2011 goals, but I realize it might take more time than I would imagine.  

3. Pass the CMP, CSES, and get certified as a Bridal Consultant.
One of my biggest goals before turning 30, was to become certified in three areas of meeting and event planning.  I recently passed the CMP so I have two more to work on in the next three years.  

4. Have $40,000 in my 401K.
I better start working on this one quickly. 

5. Have 60,000 in savings.
Again, poor girl in the city making ends meet by saving her pennies, if in 3 years
I have this I will be so excited.  

6. Own my own house.
Am I nuts? I have been renting for the last 6 years, but I guess anything is possible right? I mean if I watch House Hunters enough maybe I will magically gain $400,000
 so that I can afford a place in the middle of nowhere. 

7. Visit Ireland, France, Italy, Green, New Zealand, England and Sweden.
I already went to Italy and Greece, but hey, I don't mind circling around again.  I better start making my travel plans in the next year to hit all of these locales by then.
For the record I would like to add Costa Rica to the list. 

8. Learn how to drive stick shift.
Yep, thats right, I am from the middle of no where PA but I have never learned to drive stick shift.  I wonder if anyone around here is willing to teach me.  Future husband perhaps??

9. Learn another language.
I have one month of free Italian lessons that I purchased off a groupon site,
so I guess I will schedule that lesson this summer.

10. Pay old debts: To my parents.   For as long as I can remember I have gotten myself into some kind of financial trouble (mostly circling around my car) and have needed to borrow a few dollars here and there from the folks.  Before I am 30, I want to be debt free from student (or rather DAUGHTER) loans.

11. Fly in a hot air balloon.
This is one of my favorite ones on the list.
I have always wanted to do this and hope that even with my fear of heights I can accomplish this!!

12. Go Skydiving. My boss actually asked me to join her this year but sadly I had to decline (for financial reasons).
I am shooting for this one in 2012!

13. Weight between 130-140 for three consecutive years.
Yep, you heard that right, which means I need to get to that weight this year and stay at that weight for the next three years.  Putting my sneakers on as we speak to head to the gym.

14. Own my own business.
It has always been a dream of mine to own my own business.  Whether it be that cute little gourmet food shot, or my own event and wedding planning business, this has always been a dream of mine.

15. Take a photography course.
I have always enjoyed capturing life's little moments on camera, but I have never been one to be skilled at bringing those moments to life on film.  I want to take a course that teaches me the ins and outs so that when I am a mother I am sure to capture it all. be continued...

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