Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Sleepover

Its been a while since my last sleepover.  I've been lacking a lot in the love and dating world, and although I hope to change that soon, for the time being I been living vicariously through my friend's dating life.  Recently her story of sleepless nights has reminded me of the good and bad sleepovers from the past.  So many things can go wrong when having a coed sleepover.  You meet a boy, things are going well, you exchange a few kisses, maybe after a few cocktails the hormones start raging, and then comes the moment you decide whether or not you will be uttering the words "My place or yours?"

All is well in the next half hour (given that he can pull through on his end), and then comes the actual sleeping part.  Of course in our minds we want it to work out just perfectly, where we are wrapped in each other's arms, him the big spoon and you the little, as you slowly drift off to sleep. But lets face it, not every sleepover mimics the movies.  His arm under your head is sweet at first, but then as your neck starts hurting from the bony arm underneath you, you'll do anything to slide to the edge of the bed escaping his wrath. 

And then the snoring starts.  At first his light breathing is peaceful and relaxing, until his nasal passages seem to burst open and what sounds like a locomotive is driving through your bed takes off. You try to go back to sleep, hoping the late night cocktails are still running through your blood allowing you to doze of quickly, but its not always the case.  His attempt to pull you closer and be your cuddle buddy is preventing you from falling into your REM sleep.  When you finally doze off for what seems like only a mere 5 minutes its morning and you are woken up exhausted and being poked by more than just his arm under the sheets. 

No, not every sleepover is as painful as the one above.  Once in a while you find that perfect cuddle buddy.  The one you can't seem to fall asleep without anymore.  You are like one in the bed together with just enough cuddle time and just enough sleep time.  But how come every bed buddy isn't like that? 

Can a relationship turn sour just from the sleeping, or lack their of? 

Although a relationship should not be defined by your sleeping habits, it can make the happy sleepovers go from good to bad immediately.  

You want the man to be the perfect addition not the reason you toss and turn all night.  Are the perfect cuddle buddies still out there? Or are they all snatched up by the other hungry women in this world? While writing this post I was reminded of my favorite cuddle buddy and unfortunately reminded of my worst.  Neither worked out, but thankfully I had more time with the good one than the bad.


  1. I so laughed during this post. AND, it reminded me of Carrie and her column from SATC!

  2. Thanks Melanie! I am sure everyone can relate to an uncomfortable bed buddy. Whether it be a sibling, lover, or friend. -- Happy Reading!

  3. Coming from a now married woman with more than a few "cuddle buddies" in her past, there is no such thing as a perfect cuddle buddy. And if the "hungry woman" says hers is, she's lying. Or hasn't been with her "buddy" long enough. There are no perfect people...but I do believe there are near-perfect matches.
