Thursday, March 31, 2011


Well folks, after talking about working out, planning to work out and buying a gym membership I finally went and did it last night.  My community was hosting a free fitness class at our local community house and after twisting my roommate and her friend's arm they went along with me.  To our surprise it was not so much a taught class, but more of an "instructor" putting in a video and the rest of us (including her) following along.  It was intense for me though.  My heart rate was up within 5 seconds and by the end of class I feared I might actually die of a heart attack.  

I felt good though.  After finally catching my breath and realizing that I am TOO FAT for life anymore I really want to shed this excess weight.  Life might be a little easier without the extra 70 lbs of fat I am holding onto.  Yes, I am hoping to make it to my gym tonight for another workout.  This time just on my own.  

After class the instructor brought out some of her shakes for us to try.  She is a Beachbody instructor which means she promotes many fitness videos and Shakeology.  I had heard of it once before but promised myself I would not get sucked in to buying a product as I have many times before.  However, i have to admit.  The shake was DELICIOUS.  The concept is to replace one meal with a shake to help in weight loss, keeping you regular, and dropping your cholesterol.  Our instructor not only let us sample it in class but she gave us a free packet to try at home.  I had mine for breakfast this morning and still agree its delicious.  I don't know if I could finish an entire serving in one setting, but I drank about half of it.

Cost of the Shakes are about $120 for 30 servings.  Most Shakeology users generally have 1 - 2 shakes daily, which can really add up in cost.  Is it worth it? Right now I can't financially afford to buy Shakeology but it definitely was delicious. 


Day #3: Things I am Grateful For

Warning: The following post is a bit graphic and might not be suitable for men.

Day #3: I am Grateful for Aleve and Tampons

Now, don't laugh.  I am not even trying to be a comedian for this one.  The first thing I thought of when I woke up today was THANK GOODNESS I have medication for these cramps!!

Aunt Flo has reared her ugly head this morning and I am happy for the products at hand to get me through this awful day.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Being Invisible

I contemplated on saying that I was grateful for the Invisible option on instant messenger devices, but decided there were more important things I am grateful for.  However, today I realized the maker behind most "invisible" options must have been having a day like I was today.  Just wanted to be invisible for a second.  I tip my hat to you invisible cloak creator! Sometimes its nice to be invisible for a few seconds or hours.

Day#2: Things I Am Grateful For

Day #2 -- I am Grateful for My Friends

Thus far in my life I have been blessed with the most amazing friends ever.  During high school, I hit a few rocky patches with some girls who I had thought were my friends for a long time.  After quickly realizing trust and friendship go hand in hand I began discovering the true meaning of friends.  

Friendship is:

loving one another unconditionally and being there
 for each other even if we don't understand the choices the other has made. 

 Its being a guardian angel, italian mother, sister, care-taker, and sometimes devil's advocate.  

Its listening to you cry at 4 a.m. when you have just had your heart broken

Its sharing a secret to another, letting them 
know they aren't the only ones on that bumpy road

Its pouring you a glass of wine when you have had a rough day

Its making you laugh by reminding you of the good ole days

Its cleaning your entire room after one of you has just puked
 your guts from drinking too much

Its driving you to the hospital when you are pain

Its making you feel sane when everyone else is acting crazy

Its making you feel crazy when you need to break free from sanity

Friends are there for you when you need them 
and they are there for you when you don't think you need anyone at all.

My Love Life...or Lack There Of

I have noticed lately that I have been giving a good friend of mine relationship advice on almost a daily basis.  Anything from how to handle emotions after a first date to how to take charge and ask a guy out.  However, its seems a little silly that I am the one giving relationship advice.  Those who know me have seen my ups and downs and lack there of with men.  I have had three runs with men, none of which I want to brag about, and plenty of reasons to kick all men to the curb forever.  I can count the total amount of dates I have ever been on, on one hand, so how does that make me qualified to give relationship advice? Do you need to be loved to give advice to others? Or can you be qualified on your ability to love others?   

My first boyfriend, lets call him M, was in love with me since 9th grade.  It took me a few years to notice him more than a friend, and right before our senior year of high school we went on our first date.  During our year of togetherness he taught me how to change a tire, detail a car, and hide a ding I had put in my mother's van. After a long week at school we would drive out to a field and lay on a blanket looking at the stars.  He was slowly becoming my Romeo. However, during high school I ran into a bump in the road with girls who I had thought were my friends.  Emotionally I was a wreck for the better half of my senior year.  FYI: High School Girls can be nasty and I later learned would do anything to take your happiness away.  When I finally began to realize M was the best thing that would ever cross my way, it was too late. He had chased me for so long and by the time I came around to the idea of letting him in and returning the feelings back, the evil high school girls had pulled him under their wing and brought him to the dark side.  I know now, that even if we would have stayed together,  we would have never made it past one semester of college.  We were complete opposites of each other.  He was getting closer to a crowd of people who had betrayed me for many years, and I was beginning to find out college would be a good way for me to start over with new friends. (Let me just point out, even though high school has some awful memories for me, I did leave with a solid core group of friends who I will also stay close with).  M married a few years ago to a girl who wanted a boob job instead of a wedding reception (who doesn't want a wedding reception?) and although i regret not appreciating the things he did for me more, I also am thankful that we have lived separate lives.  

A few years after M  and I broke up I found myself focusing more on my studies, partying and part-time job.  However, out of the blue one day I ran into C.  He was the class clown, everyone's best friend, and my co-worker.  For years we had opposite schedules which prevented us from ever meeting in person at our work meetings, until that fateful day right before our senior year.  I found myself laughing with him in the student center as I sipped on a strawberry smoothie.  Something about this boy was different.  He wasn't out to impress anyone by the way he dressed, and he certainly didn't care what other people thought of him.  However, deep down it seemed like there was something special about him.  Drunk, on my 21st birthday, I found myself at a party with C.  When I bumped into him on my way to the bathroom he told me I was the prettiest girl at the party.  We spend weeks together studying for classes together and flirting at work. 

One night as I sat on my front porch with my friends, a truck drove past our house and in the bed of the truck was C.  As if it was out of a movie, he quickly patted on the top of the truck to signal to his friends he was bailing on them.  He jumped out the back running toward my house smiling at me as I sipped on my wine. It was that moment I knew this boy would quickly have my heart.    In early October, he confessed to me that despite our moments together he had been dating someone else.  I couldn't understand how that was possible.  We spent every moment together.  How could he possibly have someone else in his life.  

After a few days, he convinced me things were over with the two of them.  He had ended things the moment he realized he had feelings for me.  Although, we did most things together, something in the back of my mind always made me feel like I wasn't the only girl in his life.  Although his family loved me, his frat couldn't get enough of me, and his friends told me I was the best thing to happen to him, something was off on his end.  It was evident I was in love.  He seemed like my forever.  We had only been dating a few months but something about this cowboy had me wrapped around his finger.  After spending New Years Eve together, at his parents house, and falling asleep together in front of the fire place I was beginning to realize I had nothing to worry about.  I was actually beginning to see a future together for the two of us.  I had let my guard down and began to fall hard for him. That all changed a week later when we returned back at school.  When he didn't stop by my apartment after returning in town from break I knew something was wrong.  He came over eventually and after two hours of watching TV he out of no where told me he had to end things.  I was crushed and heart broken. Where was this coming from? He left my room shortly after and I cried for hours, later washing away the tears with a few glasses of vodka at the local pub.  

Months passed and all signs led me to believe he had returned back to his ex.  Or hadn't they ever really ended things? Years when by and we stayed connected through email and texts.  During the first year of our breakup I booked a flight to Wyoming (all of my savings) just to visit him.  I even pathetically threw a surprise birthday party with his family for him a few years ago, just a friendly gesture.  To this day we are still friends. 

My most recent relationship started a few years ago with B. It had been years since I had felt something for a guy more than just as a friend and B was something completely different than I had ever been attracted to.  I had no idea in the beginning that B would change me and my life forever, not in a good way.  I still don't like talking about what he put me through and how he changed the way I look at men now.  I lost a huge part of myself during this relationship and after years of emotional struggle I am trying to rebuild myself back after B broke me down.  The relationship between us has been over for quite sometime, but it will be a while until I fill the emptiness he left in me.

The other day something possessed me to ask C he had every cheated on my so many years before.  Instead of an instant NO, he replied that he had never had sex with anyone but that he had been seeing her while we were dating.  I was crushed.  During college I thought he was the one, however, little did I know he was in love with another. 

After three rocky relationships, I realized two of them were shams, and may not have been relationships at all.  Does not knowing how to even hold a real relationship myself qualify me to tell others how to love and be loved? I feel comfortable giving advice to my friend when she is seeking an answer to her male problems, however, when I look at my own life I am not even sure I know what love means anymore in my life. What qualifies us to give others advice on their own love lives when we can't even find love for ourselves?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

365 Things I Am Grateful For: Day #1

How many times have you taken something for granted? 

Every once in a while, I sit back and realize how many wonderful things I am surrounded by in my life.  However, on a day to day basis I begin to put those items in the back of my mind, and I find myself getting caught up with the hardships, problems, and bumpy roads life sometimes puts in front of me.  Despite my "bad days" or "challenges in life" I am thankful for some many things that life has given to me. 

In the beginning of the year I told myself that 2011 would be the year that I got my life back.  It would be a year of self reflecting, self renewal, and self awareness...  

Earlier this week, I put myself on the 52 weeks of change challenge, however, today I have decided to add another challenge in my life;   

365 days of Things I am Grateful For 

Each day, I will make a post of something that I am thankful for on that day. 

Is it possible that I can be thankful for a new thing each day? Is it ungrateful that I think I won't be able to find 365 things? Or will I surpass this challenge and post for another full year as well? As I said, this is the year for self awareness and self reflecting...however, its also the year for happiness, and reminding myself of the wonderful things in my life.

Day #1 : I am grateful for my family

I was blessed with an enormous Italian family on one side and a loving and close Swedish family on the other.  My family means the world to me.  I talk to my parents a few times a week. I email with one of my cousins on a daily basis.  I was blessed with three strong, successful, intelligent brothers, and one gorgeous, brilliant, and talented sister.  My parents are my world and have gone through thick and thin for me.  They have taught me how to be the woman I am today.  I am lucky to have gotten to spend 26 wonderful years with my grandparents and they have taught me what self-less acts are...and how to love.  My aunts and uncles are a huge part of my life and have been like second parents to me.  We are closer than most families and I wouldn't have it any other way.

What are you grateful for?

Sleeping in the dark

I wanted to recap last night's realization.  

My room is dark. 


I never noticed it before.  Mainly because I used to fall asleep with the TV on. On a normal night I bet I would have had trouble falling asleep to the silence.  The dark room filled with absolutely no sound.  However, last night I was beat.  I had done a full day and was so exhausted by the end.  

Run Down of my day 
(you should feel bad for me -- ;))

Woke up at 7:30 a.m.

Cleaned the kitchen

Threw a load of laundry in

Went to Party City, Dollar Tree (my favorite store), DSW, and Michaels.  
(Mind you, these stores are not located near each other 
so I basically drove all over Northern Virgina)

Tried to catch a food truck so that I could finally say I ate from a DC Food Truck 
(side note, I forgot my camera and the camera on my phone is broken so I have no images)

I went to a movie alone 
(I love doing this...especially when I need to clear my head)

Went to 7/11 and the gas station 
(Why is gas soooo expensive?)

Made some homemade bread (this takes 3 1/2 hours)

Made a home cooked meal

Folded the laundry from earlier

Cleaned my messy room

Made centerpieces for a bridal shower
(photos to come soon)

Caught up on emails

Visited with my roommate when she got home from work

Watched my TV shows

Ran to the bank and the grocery store

Layed in bed (without tv on) and only got through one chapter 
before I shut off the lights and went to bed.

Ok, you don't have to feel sorry for me.  It was actually a great day just to spend time with myself checking things off my to-do list.  I got so much done and felt so accomplished by the end of the day.  Sort of made me wish I worked from home or was a stay at home mom.

And at the end of the night it was great to fall asleep without the TV on.  I don't know if I could do it every night, but for this week I will.  6 more days of the challenge left!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Just remember that every opportunity in life has a shelf life and won't be around for ever.  Either snag up opportunities that pass your way, or let them go and forget about them.  Some opportunities are once in a lifetime.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

52 Weeks of Change

Is change good or bad? Does change, change who you are, or does it just change the way we think, live and react?

Prince Phillip of England once said: "Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it. 
Change is a challenge and an opportunity; not a threat. "

As I look at my life, I wonder opportunities I could embrace with a little change.  What areas of my life could be improved with one minor adjustment? Would certain changes affect my life for the better or would it go unaffected.  

In a way to challenge myself, I am going to begin 52 weeks of change.  Each week I will test out a minor change in my life to see what affects it has on my life and my routine.  

Week #1 Change:  Reading before going to bed.  

Normally, in my life I fall asleep to the television.  Sometimes I even drift off before putting the sleep timer on.  This week I will challenge myself to read for 30 minutes before bed.  Will it affect my sleep pattern for the week? We will see. :)

Happy reading...more importantly, happy sleeping. 

Cherry Blossom Season

This week is the beginning of the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC.  Celebrated each year during the peak blooming season, it represents a generous gift donated by the Japanese in the early 1900s.  Thousands of people flock to DC during this festival to see the cherry blossoms line the Tidal Basin.  Its a gorgeous time of year here in DC 

Peaking behind the cherry blossoms was the Washington Monument

Friday, March 25, 2011

Note from the Universe

Every morning, I wake up with an email...Notes from the Universe.  They are cue inspirational messages to help get me through the day.  Today's said:

Really, all one has to do to transform their life, 
is remind themselves to think and behave a little bit differently, each day

Happy Friday readers!

 Hope you have a great day and weekend.  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Local Designer

The Alchemy
I may not be a fashionista, but every one in a while I run into a designer that I fall in love with.  Based out of Washington, DC, Holland Cox specializes in handbags, wristlets, and other handmade items.  Owner and designer, Valarie focuses on making unique, one-of-a kind items that are not mass produced. 

The Kingston

She definitely has an eye for a style that is like no other.  There are so many cute designs to pick from, and if you don't like one, contact her about making your own personalized item.  Follow Holland Cox on facebook and through her blog to get updates on new products. 

 Aren't these adorable??? She will ship anywhere.  However if you are in the DC area, check out her schedule to see when she showcases them in DC
Anakara Wristlet

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Easy Slow Cooker Dinner

My new must buy of the week is William and Sonoma's sauces and starters.  I am obsessed with the options they have to offer from Indian food to sandwich spreads. Naturally, I thought I had to be a super chef to pull off using one of their ingredients, however, I have to say, I was pretty impressed.

This week when I had little motivation to cook, I decided to create a meal from what I had in my pantry. Although, this is not a brisket, it did make a sweet and savory beef dinner. 

1 pkg egg noodles (cook as directed)
1 jar of W&S Brisket Starter
1 Pot Roast
1/4 cup of flour
1/4 cup of beef broth
salt and pepper
olive oil

Cooking Instructions
On a piece of foil roll the pot roast in flour coating all sides.  

Sprinkle salt and pepper generously on the meat

In a saucepan pour enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan (don't go overboard).  

Place the floured beef into the saucepan. 

Pour 1/8 of a cup of beef broth in the bottom of the pan.

Stay close to the beef rotating it when one side is browned. (you do not want it to be burnt)

Once you have browned all sides equally transfer the beef into a crockpot.

Pour the remaining beef broth in on the meat. 

Top the meat with the entire jar of brisket starter on the beef.  

Cook on high for 5 hours in the crockpot.
Using a meat thermometer make sure the beef is thoroughly cooked.  

Remove the beef from the crockpot onto a cutting board.  

Your beef will easily fall apart,
however, gently shred up the meat and transfer back into the crockpot and sauce.  

Keep on warm until ready to serve

Cook the egg noodles as directed on the package (takes approximately 8-10 minutes)

To eat, fill a bowl with egg noodles and top with beef/sauce


Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend with the parents

After a long week at work I was so excited to have my parents in town for the weekend. Although I saw them at Christmas, it had felt like an eternity since I had been with them. Seeing my mom and dad was the best feeling in the world.  I was like a kid on christmas morning the entire weekend.  It was so good to just be in their presence.  

Since they have been visiting me for over the past 4 years, it is starting to become difficult to find new and exciting activities for us to do while they are in down. After an exhausting week of events all I wanted to do was relax and spend time with the folks.  

Saturday we took advantage of the nice weather and went to the local driving range, Top Golf.  After losing two rounds to my oldest brother and father we headed back into the city to Founding Farmers, one of my favorite restaurants.  I convinced my mother to get the Chicken and Waffles and after a little resistance she was devouring her entire plate.

(photo courtesy of Citysearch)
sorry i realized after my plate was empty I should have taken a photo

Although I would have loved to take my parents out on the town for an night of drinking, we voted on renting a movie to end the perfect Saturday.  

I was so excited for Sunday morning because I had plans for us to stop by Ted's Bulletin in DC for their famous breakfast.  I had been hearing reviews about this place for a year and couldn't wait to try it out on my own.  

A few things to know about Ted's Bulletin before going:


1. The weekends are always crowded and they don't take reservations on Saturday and Sunday. ( we were told it was an hour wait, but we ended up only waiting approximately 30 minutes)

2. Brunch lines start building up around 9:30 am and don't die down until after noon.

3. They have homemade poptarts there that are TO DIE for

4.  Prices aren't too high and pretty reasonable for DC

5. Their old fashion decor, tvs and menus set the mood for this 1940s restaurant.

I was so excited to try the beer battered biscuits and gravy.  The sausage had an interesting kick of spice at the end which was a pleasant surprise.  I can't wait to go back and try their dinner menu! 

Friday, March 18, 2011

You are really wearing that?

There they were.  

I was taking a few moment to unwind from a long work day 
and enjoy my metro ride when suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw them.  

Just sitting there.  

I couldn't believe someone would wear these on the metro. 

Seeing each and every toe creeps me out. 
 Its like two feet just out enjoying the air not a care in the world. 
And for some crazy reason these shoes give me the hebejebes...
Sorry to all runners, fitness gurus and adventurers that love wearing these,
I get chills when I see anyone wearing these.  

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Couch Potato?

Its no lie that I am overweight and tend to make silly excuses for skipping the gym.

I have tried everything in the book from:

Its too expensive to have a gym membership


My cramps are just too bad to make it all of the way to the gym, 
but eating ice cream will make my cramps go away.

I am the only thing stopping myself from losing the weight and getting in shape. 
And I know that needs to change.

While browsing through my ON DEMAND recently 
I stumbled upon a whole world of free and fun exercising.

Exercise TV has a wide range of free exercise videos right on your TV. 
Even better they have free downloadable exercise plans from their website.  

So, if you are finding yourself making excuses like I have, try sliding off the couch, putting on some sneakers and exercising in your own living room.  

Its free, its fun, and its only 30 minutes of your day.  

Come on, I think even I can give up 30 minutes of watching tv so get my heart rate up.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trip to Atlantic City

Sorry everyone for the lack of posts the past few days. 
 I recently was given the opportunity to travel to Atlantic City, NJ for a conference for the International Special Event Society's (ISES) Regional Education Conference (REC) and without even hesitating I jumped on the chance to attend. It was a wonderful opportunity for me, as I am working hard at making a name for myself in the events industry. 

 It was also  my first time in Atlantic City.  

Here's a view of my bathroom (and enormous tub!)...
nope I didn't try it out, but I was tempted.

I had originally planned on working and blogging from my hotel room, but they left little time between seminars and the internet wasn't free from the hotel.  So my small hotel office..

 Quickly went out the window and I traded the computer for a little reading of my favorite new love story...

I had to chuckle while in the elevator because clearly this hotel wasn't targeted at those attending the conference but rather those spending money in the casino (obviously).  From the photo below its not hard to see what button they want you to push. :) 
CASINO anyone?

It was a very educational trip and I look forward to connecting more with all of the planners and suppliers I met.  I got some great ideas from the sessions and can't wait to keep getting involved with ISES.


Sorry I have been MIA the last few days.  I was out of town at a conference and without access to the internet.  Will be updating you all this week...stay tuned

Friday, March 11, 2011

No Meat?!? What will I eat?!?!

Its the First Friday of Lent and I need to make something for dinner that does not include meat but it also filling. I rummaged through my pantry and realized I had some:

fresh basil
crab meat
brown rice pasta 

Combine these with some butter and its a delicious meal ! Although I am trying to cut back on butter and grains in my meals, I figured I might as well use them up instead of wasting money I spend previously on groceries.  I also realized its sort of easy  to make a meal out of leftovers and pantry items.  

One Friday down! This meatless thing isn't so hard.

Friday Smiles

I woke up this morning so thankful for many things in my life.  But the best thing to wake up to was a text from a friend that made me laugh.  What a great way to start out the day.

Quote for the day:

- MIchael Pritchard

30 before 30 (continued)

Last week I posted the first 15 items on my 30 before 30 list.  Because my list is pretty extensive I decided to split it into two parts.  Yes, I know I am only 26 and I have a few years before hitting the big 30, but some of these might take me a little bit to accomplish:

16. See a Pyramid.
I think the pyramids are fascinating and I would love to head to Egypt to explore them and see them up close.  With my already long list of places to travel adding in Egypt might be hard, but its worth adding to the list.  

17. Go Rock Climbing. Now that I am 26 and realize when I was 18 and crazy, 
I realized I will consider indoor rock climbing to count as well. 

18. Stay at an ICE Hotel.  I think these are only in Sweden right? I better start googling this tonight. 

19. Buy a new car.  
I have had the same car since I was 19 and I would really love to trade her in for a newer model before I turn 30.  I want to start fresh with keeping her clean and in top working condition. As much as I love my lady liberty, there will be a time to let her go.  

20. Become a master chef.   
Or at least become a master chef in my own kitchen.  I am practicing with this one.  

21. Learn how to ballroom dance.  
I am currently taking classes, and although I won't be heading to competitions in this lifetime.
I want to continue taking these yearly to brush up on my skills.

22. Learn how to make raviolis just like my grandmother.  
My grandmothers are the best chefs I know.  Since I was little I have always wanted to be like them in cooking the best Italian and Swedish dishes.  Before its too late I want to learn how to make their specialty dishes exactly like they make them.  

23. Learn Calligraphy.  
I have always loved the soft romantic curves of perfectly written notes and letters from the past.  I would love to learn how to write wedding invitations and love letters like the professionals. 

24. Put together my family tree. 
Now that I work at a place that allows me to research my family tree I should really put it to use.

25. Find out more about my grandparents childhood
Sometimes I forget to have conversations with my grandparents about their childhood.  I should take more time to finding out about their lives before children and grandchildren.  

26. Start a garden
I have always wanted to start growing herbs of my own and maybe even a few tomatoes.  Although I don't own a house yet I can start growing a few things on my back patio.

27. Learn How to Knit
I swear I am not 85, but I have always wanted to learn how to knit.  I even have the yarn and needles I just have never learned to to actually make something with them.  

28. Buy a sewing machine and put it to good use
I always have wondered how much money I would save if I could mend and make things with a sewing machine.  During high school I learned how to use one, but after so many years of not using it I would have to teach myself again.  

29. Read more Often (10-12 books a year)
I have never really enjoyed reading, and I recently joined a book club which forces me to utilize my library more often, however, I am still not reading as much as I would like each year.  I would really like to start improving this.

and number 30 is.....

30. Fall in Love.   
Although I have had my ups and down in the past, I want to learn how to really
love in the next few years and find out what it is to be loved back.

Well, although the 18 year old version of myself was a little less mature and often thought about high school basketball games more than my savings account, I am pretty proud of my 30 before 30 list.  

I better start working on checking off things today!