Saturday, March 5, 2011

Life's Little Challenges

If you watched the Oscars this past weekend you will remember Halle Berry paying tribute to Lena Horne.  Lena was an american actress, songwriter, and civil rights activist.  Although Lena passed away this past year, her legacy will be remembered by many. Lena once said:

"Its not the load that breaks you down its the way you carry it"

So many times I have felt the weight on my shoulders from challenges that have been thrown my way.   Whether it be debt, heartbreak, poor career choices, or a serious of unfortunate events, when in the moment I felt as though I couldn't catch a break .  When I read Lena's quote I am reminded that God does not put us in any situation we cannot handle, however, we also have to be aware of how we handle ourselves during and after those struggles.  At some point I have to realize I am the only thing standing in my way of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  Reminding myself of all of the joys and gifts in my life will help me to carry those loads that seem to be a little heavier than others.  I have been struggling with something inside of me for a long time now and although the light at the end of the tunnel seems very far away, I have begun to realize I need to change the way I carry this load to help with my journey through life.  The struggling will never go away, its all about how we manage it and deal with it that makes the difference in life. 


  1. So many of us need a little inspiration like this. I certainly found a recent movie very inspiring that I will be blogging about this weekend.
