101 in 1001

I was inspired by a blogger from Roots and Rings to challenge myself to do 101 things in 1001 days.  Its no secret, I am a girl that loves lists, goals, and more importantly self challenges.  

 101 in 1001

The Mission: To complete 101 tasks in 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific, measurable, and well defined. They must also be realistic but require some amount of work to complete.
Started: April 26, 2011
Deadline: January 20, 2014
Items Completed: 18/101

Not Done
In Progress

1. Get 50 people to follow my blog
2. Make a pie from scratch.
3. Watch 5 movies from this site
4. Organize my craft closet
5. Lose enough weight to feel good about myself. (50-60 lbs)
6. Change my hairstyle 
7. Start my own company
8. Buy one quality pair of comfortable heels.
9. Thoroughly clean out my closet.
10. Take a hot air balloon ride
11. Send someone flowers for no reason
12. Send 50 cards just because I was thinking of someone
13. Wash the car by hand, 4 times.
14. Work out 7 days in a row, twice.
15. Go on a date with a guy
16. Organize my photos from my computer to CDs 
17. Finish editing the film from my road trip
18. Make an entire gourmet meal from scratch.
19. Make a cheesecake from scratch
20. Secretly buy dinner for two strangers at a restaurant
21 On a rainy day, do nothing but watch movies and sit on the couch
22. Go for a 4 hour bike ride touring the city I live in
23. Post at least one photo on my blog each week <-- doing pretty good at this!
24. Host a tastefully simple party
25. Host a potluck dinner game night
26. Make someone breakfast in bed
27. Go to the zoo
28.  Finish my brother/sister-in-laws wedding gift from 2010
29. Spend a Sunday cooking and freezing meals 
30. Start a prayer journal
31. Eat dinner on the back porch with a friend and a bottle of wine
32. Spend a day at the spa with a friend or alone
33. Host friends over for a dinner party
34. Cook an entire meal for my parents and family without my mom's help
35. Pick berries
36. Go to a winery
37. Go to bed before 10 p.m. three times
38. Make 5 Pioneer Woman recipes
39. Cook two items from the Julia Child Cookbook 
40. Organize my recipes and cookbooks
41. Spend a day at home doing nothing.
42. Don’t buy anything but groceries for one month.
43. No cokes for one month. 
44. No chocolate for 4 weeks 
45. Sponsor a child during Christmas
46. Make an entire meal from products I got at a Farmer's Market
47. Try 5 new cheeses. 
48. Take my lunch to work for a month without missing a day.
49. Travel to New Orleans
50. Purchase something from Etsy
51. Make something myself that I saw on Etsy
52. Make a successful rice or orzo dish.
53. Have a coffee date with a girl friend. 
54. Finish Christmas shopping by December 10.
55. Encourage another person to try this challenge
56. Eat at 10 new restaurants 
57. Try oysters
58. Watch Ken Burn's Civil War 
59. Learn to Knit 
60. Learn to sew
61. Grill something
62. Place flowers on a stranger's gravesite
63. Read 3 classic novels
64. Get out of credit card debt for more than 3 months
65. Do something impulsive, without regret.
66. Go three weeks without eating out
67. Go golfing with my dad and grandfather
68. Watch a complete TV series that I have never seen
69. Watch a sunrise
70. Go to two garage sales just for fun.
71. Clean out and organize my car
72. Buy a new (or used) car to replace my first car
73. Call my grandparents once a month <-- Currently trying to incorporate
74. Learn how to make raviolis from my grandmother
75. Master one of our family recipes
76. Try 3 new wines
77.Host a girls brunch
78. Make a gift for someone and send it to them out of the blue
79. Leave $20 for a homeless person 
80. Have one lesson with a fitness trainer
81. Get a Brazilian bikini wax (ouch!)
82. Get a spray tan
83. Watch 3 movies outside under the stars 
84. Volunteer 3 times

85. Say the rosary once a month
86. Send my brothers and sister a note or gift once a month
87. Call my siblings at least once a month to catch up
88. Share a meal with a sibling individually (I don't spend enough one-on-one time with them)
89. Go on a trip with just me and my parents
90. Go on a camping trip
91. Learn more about photography
92. Take a class from Michael's Craft Store
93. Lean Calligraphy
94. Take ballroom dancing (again -- only completed 8 weeks)
95. Try eating a new meat
96. Do a 4 day detox of only veggies and fruits
97. Start a new job
98. Fall in Love
99. Clean out my drawers and get rid of things I don't need
100. If this process was enjoyable, create a new 101 in 1001
101. Donate $5 to a charity for every goal not met in 1001 days

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