Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Beginning...again...

Its been about 6 months since I have written on my blog. I was busy with work and busy in life and put writing in my "silly" blog on the back burner.  This isn't the first time I have taken the break, and I can't promise it won't be the last, but I am ready to get back into writing and keeping myself accountable for the goals I am putting in place.

Over the last 27 years I have complained about my weight, complained about being single, and complained about some of the cards I had been dealt.  Today, after leaving a meeting, I decided to walk the 1.2 miles home instead of taking public transportation.

It was during this walk that I realized the following things:

I am extremely overweight

Power walking in flip flops when you are overweight makes walking up hill slightly more challenging

I need to start exercising
(yes I said the E word...and I am regretting writing it)

I am sick of becoming out of breath after taking a WALK

but...I also realized

1.2 miles can be a great way to clear my head after a long day at work

1.2 miles doesn't really take that much time out of my evening

I can definitely do a longer walk if I am in the right attire

I want to build up to walking a few miles without even noticing

I want to lose the weight.

And that is when I decided to make my goal, stick to it, make it happen and 


I have exactly 6 months to cut ATLEAST 40 lbs out of my body.

And exactly 1 year to cut 70 lbs from the scale

I want to wear something like this for New Years 

and I don't want to be worrying about trying to find it in a size 16.

I don't want to worry about my chub rub thighs rubbing together or my arms giggling when I talk.

I want to feel good and feel like a good looking fun spirited 28 year old instead of a overweight monkey. 

So, here I go...

Ready to start putting veggies on my plate

legs on a treadmill

and water in my martini glass

(ok, I am still going to try and sneak a glass of vodka every now and then as a reward...
lets be honest, we all need a drink every now and then.)

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