Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. If you could watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I think this answer would be White Christmas.  I have always loved this film and love singing and dancing to the songs in it.  One of my college roommates and I have always loved watching this together either over the phone or in person.  It’s a great classic and I have watched it a million times.

2. Let’s say someone wrote a screenplay about you; what actor/actress would you choose to play you and why?
I would love to say Marilyn Monroe, but she would have a hard time playing me since we are nothing alike.  I could totally see Drew Barrymore playing me more than anyone else.  If I could choose anyone though, I might say Julia Roberts, to make me a little bit softer around the edges. 

3. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
Mrs. Doubtfire.  I would have been in 2nd or 3rd grade, but I can remember watching this in the theater and crying when they were in trial about him getting the kids or not.  I know my mom had taken me to the theaters before that, but it is as far back as I can remember. 

4. Did you ever make out at the back of a movie theater in middle school/high school?
No, I was always so nervous and wasn’t much of the public theater makeout girl. 

5. Are you a Netflix-er, Blockbuster-er or a Redbox-er? (Or none of the above?)
I used to be a Blockbuster-er, but then it started going out of business, limiting my in store rentals.  Right now I am a total RedBox-er. LOVE the $1 movies. 

6. Name one actor/actress who you would give anything to have a dinner date with.
Jack Nicholson.  Anyone who knows me, knows I am a HUGE Jack Nicholson fan.  I would kill to have a dinner date with him to pick his brain.  However, if you know me, you also know I turn mute when in the presence of a celebrity so it might be a boring date for him with just me starring at him from across the table.  

7. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
Margot at the Wedding.  IT WAS HORRIBLE!

8. Do you sneak snacks into the theater when you go?
No, I am too much of a goodie-to-shoes to do that.  I always feel so guilty.

9. Movie theater popcorn: love or hate it?
LOVE IT. Extra Butter, all for me J

10. What is the all-time best Disney movie in your opinion?
I think the best all-time Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.  I could watch it a million times and love every song.  I am singing them in my head as we speak.

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