Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. What is your favorite brand of shoes?
I love Nine West Heels, mostly because I don’t wear heels ever and if I do, they seem to be most comfortable.  I actually hate to admit this because I am female and probably the only one of my kind, but I am not a huge shoe person.  I go for comfort rather than style and end up wearing flats or semi-flats to work always. 

2. How old were you when you learned to tie your shoes?
I don’t really remember the first time I learned to tie my shoe.  I must have been around 4 or 5…when do kids learn?

3. How do you feel about freckles?
I think freckles are adorable! I have some on my shoulders and a few on my face but they only come out if I get a lot of sun and really are pretty scarce.  My dad has some freckles and I love them. 

4. I can count to ten in ___ languages.
Two languages.  English and Spanish.  I think I can start them in German but I don’t even know what I am saying. 

5. What is your favorite store-bought ice cream flavor?
I used to love Death by Chocolate ice cream as a child.  The name is kind of literal for me since I am lactose in tolerant.  

6. Were you in ballet or gymnastics as a little girl?
I was actually in both.  I took dance for 14 years, 5 of those years were dedicated to ballet and I took gymnastics for a few years but was never very good. 

7. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?
I loved Bert and Ernie! I used to love watching that show and am glad its still around for kids today. 

8. What’s your bedtime?
Sadly, my bedtime is usually around midnight each night.  I know that is horrible since I get up around 6:30 feeling like I hadn’t slept at all.  I come from a family of people who don’t sleep well so I feel like its genetic.  I wish I could go to be earlier. 

9. Do you have any jewelry that you wear every single day?
I usually always have to have some sort of necklace on.  I am not huge on rings or bracelets but necklaces are a must.  

10. Who is the bug killer in your household?
Actually, I would say I am.  My roommates probably would try and kill them too, but I usually would rather see them dead, the disappear somewhere and me not know where they are.

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