Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

1. Mac or Windows? (Or Linux for you super geeks!)
Windows - but not because I like one over the other. Just got a Dell for College and never switched over to MAC

2. What drew you to that operating system?
Sadly, I didn't even think about it except for convenience, however, I know how passionate MAC users are.  Windows has always worked for me so if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  But I guess I could improve.. :)

3. Mice – Wireless or Wired? Mouse pad or none?
Wireless Mouse.  I love my Mouse but love that it is wireless.  I also don't have a mouse pad right now.  Does that made me a bad mother?

4. Other than the Internet – What do you use your computer most for?
Staying organized with event and wedding planning.  Creating projects and gifts for family members. Organizing my photos

5. What’s one computer-related thing you wish you were best at? (CSS, Photoshop, Excel, etc.)

6. Describe the first time you ever used a computer.
I can still remember one Christmas discovering the Apple computer my parents bought for us.  Well it was Santa at that time.  I was so young but loved those Olympic games with the log throwing, running on the log, etc.  Did anyone else play these?

7. How often do you upgrade to a new operating system?
I would say every four years? Actually at that rate, I am due for another one soon.  Maybe next year?

8. Are you a short-cutter (CTRL+C) or a right-clicker?
Yes! I love finding out new ones too! But I usually only do the basic ones

9. Is computer-use a constant thing in your life (such as using it both at work and home) or do you get a break (because you don’t use them at work)?

Work and at home.  I am on a computer about 60 percent of my day (that is sad I know)

10. Where do you think the world would be if personal computers did not exist? 
I am not sure! I can't imagine my life without one.  How would I stay so organized.  Google amazes me every day when it comes out with something new.  I would be so lost without it.  Or would I just think life was fine.  I love that we know more about other people in the world and about their lives from the computer/internet. 

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