Sunday, August 28, 2011

27 Personal Challenges

I have been 27 for almost a week and so many things have happened already.  Around 2 p.m. on my birthday an Earthquake shook the entire East Coast.  Abnormal for this region, I immediately thought we had been bombed. Living in DC can make you think crazy things and the earth rumbling below you can be a scary situation if you are not used to it. This morning, I woke up to calm winds and partly sunny skies, but that wasn't the case last night as Hurricane Irene ripped through our region.  Its been a crazy week of storms but it has allowed me to spend time catching up with friends and spending time alone.

When I was younger I used to love to rearrange and organize my room.  Any chance to become more organized thrilled me.  Yesterday during the storm, when we were advised to stay in, I jumped on the chance to clean out all of my closets and drawers.  I quickly assessed that I needed a small wardrobe update, and even though I don't have the money to, I have allowed myself to spend $200 on new clothes and shoes next week.  Not that it will go to far, but the holes in some of my clothes are starting to make me look homeless rather than professional. I will have to be strategic at the $200 I have to spend.

Being alone also allowed me to catch up on thoughts for my upcoming 27th year.  I am now even closer to 30 and want to make sure I start living my life before my life passes me by.  This year there are 27 things I want to improve, change or accomplish in my life.

1. Spend more time on the phone (or skype) with loved ones
2. Spend less money and more time with people
3. Gossip less
4. Pray more
5. Read more books
6. Read two autobiographies
7. Change two physical traits
8. Go to Church more often
9. Find a healthier way to eat
10. Drink less
11.  Go on a date
12. Forgive someone
13. Forgive myself
14.  Learn more about my grandparent's lives
15.  Spend more time with my family
16. Update my look
17. Finish uncompleted projects
18. Spend a weekend with each of my siblings
19. Volunteer
20. Participate in a walk/run challenge for charity
21. Try Yoga (or self meditation)
22. Blog atleast three times a week
23. Learn something new
24. Go somewhere I have never been
25. Take a class
26. Teach someone something
27. Find happiness in more things that I do

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