Yesterday was one of the most beautiful winter days I can remember in a long time. 68 degrees in the middle of February does seem a little odd, but I thoroughly enjoyed not wearing a jacket to work. I have to admit, although it was beautiful outside, I was a little bitter about the whole Valentines Day nonsense by the end of the day.
However, when I walked in my front door and saw the brown Amazon box with my name on it, I bolted across the entry way immediately shredding open the box.
Guess what??.....IT had arrived!!
No, it wasn't a red ryder BB gun...but I did feel like the kid from a Christmas Story as I tore out the contents from inside the package.

Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in your life?
As soon as it was released to stores on Feb 1 I had to get my hands on it. I completely forgot that the package would be coming in the mail this week and after my debbie downer day I had this was the best way to cheer myself up.
(Yes, even I thought my attitude was getting annoying by the end of the day)
Sadly, I had little time to enjoy my surprise gift, as I was already running late for my ballroom dance class. I was a little leary about dancing on Valentines Day with single 45 year olds, however as I walked in and took my position on the floor I noticed the room was full of new faces.
After beginning with the Waltz lesson, we quickly advanced to learning the Foxtrot and Tango. After a few partner changes I noticed my next move was to an 85 year old man in a grey and green argyle sweater.
My heart melted.
I was in love.
He took my hand, winked at me and smile. He lead me around the room, slightly slower than my other partners, but I didn't even notice. The smile never left his face and he kept his eyes on me the whole time. A part of me wondered what his story was.
Did he live a long happy life with his wife who recently passed away?
Was dancing a passion of his for his entire life?
Sadly, after a few moments of dancing our instructor asked us to switch again. He gave me one last twirl and thanked me for the dance. However, I was the one who was thankful. After complaining all day about Valentines Day reminders, my short dance with this gentleman reminded me that every day is filled with moments of happiness, but we have to be willing to notice them and take them in. I shouldn't get upset about the lack of romance currently in my life, but rather be thankful for everything I get to do and experience. I will always remember my dance with the little old man. I just hope I get paired up with him again in the upcoming weeks.
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