Chicken, Rissoto, Cauliflower and Brussel Sprouts! YUMMY!
Although we talked for hours and wore each other out, we were so excited to wake up in the morning to head out on the road to Jersey.
After a fun drive through the countryside, jamming out to my dear friend's creative road trip playlist, we finally arrived in the dirty JERZ! Walking in the front door of that New Jersey apartment, immediately filled me with so much happiness. After having a rough past year with some personal issues, its always good to meet up with these girls to relax and forget about life's problems. It was so nice to laugh, and share a wonderful 24 hours with some of the most beautiful, loving, strong and intelligent women that I know. I don't know where I would be without them.
It was once said that:
"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are."

Packing up the car Sunday morning I was immediately overcome with "sleepover feeling". You know that feeling of sadness you experience after everyone has gone their separate way after a great sleepover. I am already counting down the days until I see them again.
Thank you, to the loves of my life for accepting me for who I am, laughing with me when I make a complete idiot out of myself, finishing my thoughts when I stumble over what to say, and picking me up when I am down. I love you all.