I am not one who believes in horoscopes, psychics and tarot cards, but I do believe that the little things in life can change our outlook for the day. Every morning when I wake up, I do happen to check my horoscope. I have instructed myself that I will not let it change my day unless it is for the better. Today's post was exactly what I needed to get out of my funk from yesterday. I saw it more as inspiration rather than predicting my future. It read:
"Start this day with a purpose. Virgo. Look at it from the perspective of being a traveler on a new and wonderufl journey. To say this is the first day of the rest of your lief may seem simplistic, but indeed you are about to begin a whole new amazing chapter. let go of regrets from the past, and stop reliving moments in your mind that can't be undone or redone. Focus instead on what lies ahead. The next few months promise to be filled with great opportunities to reach a destination that you had emotionally abandoned. And that's good news!"
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
Its Ten on TUESDAY!! I looked forward to this all evening, and even though my work day will be longer than the amount of hours of sleep I got all weekend combined, I am excited to give you my answers.
1. Have you ever used Craigslist?
Yes, I have used it many of times from selling furniture and fitness equipment to purchasing concert tickets. Craigslist also landed me my first DC job. I don't know what I would do without it.
2. Can you sew?
Sadly I am not an expert sewer. Growing up we were forced to learn how to use a sewing machine however with lack of practice I have forgotten completely how to use one. My grandmother was an excellent seamstress and mended all of our pants and dresses when we were young. I have always wanted to follow in her footsteps. This Christmas I am asking for a sewing machine to improve on my skills.
3. Do you pour syrup on your pancakes or dip your pancakes in the syrup?
Pour it on...well rather I drench them in syrup. Its part of the problem of me being overweight. I didn't even know people dipped. I wonder if one version is truthfully healthier than the other. I mean, in the end we are all eating the syrup which is bad for us anyway.
4. Rain storms: Love them or hate them?
I LOOOOVE rain storms, especially in the summer. I love to sit out on a covered porch and watch the rain. Last year when I was at the beach we unfortunately experienced many nighttime rain storms, but it was beautiful to watch across the ocean. I love summer rain, as long as I am not caught outside on my way to work.
5. Do you like swimming?
I looove swimming. I don't get to do it much anymore, but when I was younger I felt like a fish in the water. I never wanted to get out. Growing up, I was on the swim team, had my own pool at home and practiced almost every day. I miss having the convenience of a pool at my house and wish I had the opportunity to swim more. I just don't want anyone else to see me in a suit.
6. What kind of drink do you order at Sonic?
Is is bad that I have only been to Sonic once? I was so overjoyed by my first experience, that I sadly only ordered a coke. I was lectured later by friends that the key to going to Sonic is ordering a Limeade (?). I will never make this mistake again. However, the burger and tots were great!
7. Are you funny?
I laugh at myself more than others laugh at me. I have a weird sense of humor and tend to use sarcasm a lot. I think the sarcasm comes from hanging out my older brother too much. I wish I were wittier at times, but the most important thing is I love to laugh.
8. At what age will your kids get cell phones?
When they can drive. I don't see the need for cell phones before a having a license. However, I say that now and have no idea what technology in the future will be like. What scares me is I type this with the knowledge that I will someday have kids, when even that is uncertain. No matter what I know I will have a family, even if a husband does not come my way. So with that, I stick with my rule of no cell phones until they can drive. I think that is pretty reasonable.
9. What’s your favorite vegetable?
Hmmm this is a hard question since I really don't like vegetables that much. However, I would have to say that corn might be my favorite. I love corn on the cob and corn off the cob. I love popcorn and candy corn. (ok, those aren't so much vegetables....but...they are corn products).
10. Were you a Girl Scout?
Yes! From a brownie to a Junior (?)...is it sad its been so long I can't even remember? Well, even though my memory is fading, there are certain girl scout songs I can still remember!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Engagements, V-cards, and ice cream
For a Monday, my day was quite jammed packed with information and surprises.
First things first, I know I haven' t been that good with posting lately. I have no one to blame but myself. This month I have been having an out of body experience. Its like I see myself living each day but I am not all there when I am doing anything. I am not sure what caused the funk. I started the month out great and it slowly turned into a whirl wind of the month flashing before my eyes.
But before I get into the downer stuff, today was a full day of exciting news. I went to see Sugarland last night, and by the way, they were amazing. If you haven't seen them in concert you must go!
I woke up at 6:50 am and right before hoping in the shower got a phone call from a friend in Boston. Although it was shocking that she was calling me so early, I thought nothing of it and picked up the phone. To my surprise she was calling to tell me she was engaged! I was excited for her. She has been waiting for this moment for so long and her fiancée is one of the kindest men I have ever met. They are a match made in heaven.

Later in the day a SHOCKING email from one of my best friends came through. She announced that she had finally done the dead with her boyfriend. I know, not that shocking to most, but I was so happy for her. She has been waiting so long for the perfect man after finally meeting her match she felt comfortable enough to give away her v-card.
During the day, something inside of me changed from a good mood to sour. Its no secret that this month I have been slightly more bitter than ever. I think it is because of my recent encounter with my ex.

The one I resent.
The one that ruined me for life.
I can't help but still hate him for ruining me. I hate that he turned me into a bitter human being that questions love, marriage, and soul mates. But, I hate him most for entering my life all together. My ex "C" has told me that he feels "B" damaged my life for a reason. That we don't know why yet but that someday I will see the reason I was put into that awful situation. I wish that were true.
Sadly, in the last 5 years I have been turning to food to comfort me when I was down. Tonight I went and got ice cream after a LARGE dinner. As I walked back to my car with my soft serve swirl ice cream, a girl went jogging past me. Way to rub it in God. I get it, I should have been working off my anger. I hope tomorrow my bad mood goes away.
First things first, I know I haven' t been that good with posting lately. I have no one to blame but myself. This month I have been having an out of body experience. Its like I see myself living each day but I am not all there when I am doing anything. I am not sure what caused the funk. I started the month out great and it slowly turned into a whirl wind of the month flashing before my eyes.
But before I get into the downer stuff, today was a full day of exciting news. I went to see Sugarland last night, and by the way, they were amazing. If you haven't seen them in concert you must go!
I woke up at 6:50 am and right before hoping in the shower got a phone call from a friend in Boston. Although it was shocking that she was calling me so early, I thought nothing of it and picked up the phone. To my surprise she was calling to tell me she was engaged! I was excited for her. She has been waiting for this moment for so long and her fiancée is one of the kindest men I have ever met. They are a match made in heaven.

Later in the day a SHOCKING email from one of my best friends came through. She announced that she had finally done the dead with her boyfriend. I know, not that shocking to most, but I was so happy for her. She has been waiting so long for the perfect man after finally meeting her match she felt comfortable enough to give away her v-card.
During the day, something inside of me changed from a good mood to sour. Its no secret that this month I have been slightly more bitter than ever. I think it is because of my recent encounter with my ex.

The one I resent.
The one that ruined me for life.
I can't help but still hate him for ruining me. I hate that he turned me into a bitter human being that questions love, marriage, and soul mates. But, I hate him most for entering my life all together. My ex "C" has told me that he feels "B" damaged my life for a reason. That we don't know why yet but that someday I will see the reason I was put into that awful situation. I wish that were true.
Sadly, in the last 5 years I have been turning to food to comfort me when I was down. Tonight I went and got ice cream after a LARGE dinner. As I walked back to my car with my soft serve swirl ice cream, a girl went jogging past me. Way to rub it in God. I get it, I should have been working off my anger. I hope tomorrow my bad mood goes away.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Double Posts. Sleepless Nights. Failed Blogging
I could think of many excuses why I haven't posted in a week.
1. Blogger was broken within the last week. I had schedule posts and they never went up. -- True, but really it was only one post and it posted today by accident (double Wordless Wednesday) OOPS.
2. I blogged from my phone and I guess it didn't happen -- This is true, well I tried once
3. I have had multiple visitors in the last two weeks causing me to get behind in laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping and yes, blogging.
4. I broke my hand -- Ok, that didn't happen but it would help to explain why I haven't blogged at all.
OK, I have been bad the past two weeks but I am forcing myself to get back to blogging on a daily basis, no more excuses.
1. Blogger was broken within the last week. I had schedule posts and they never went up. -- True, but really it was only one post and it posted today by accident (double Wordless Wednesday) OOPS.
2. I blogged from my phone and I guess it didn't happen -- This is true, well I tried once
3. I have had multiple visitors in the last two weeks causing me to get behind in laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping and yes, blogging.
4. I broke my hand -- Ok, that didn't happen but it would help to explain why I haven't blogged at all.
OK, I have been bad the past two weeks but I am forcing myself to get back to blogging on a daily basis, no more excuses.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Grateful Things
So, I have been a little behind in my grateful things posts. I have been so grateful for things in my life the last week and I want to update things I have been grateful for:
Last Wednesday; Day 36: I was grateful for a few hours by myself in the office
Sometimes it nice to just get some work done in the office when you are all alone. Today my boss left early and I was able to just blast some music and get work done with complete silence. Its night to get a few hours each day like this.Thursday; Day 37: I was grateful for Alcohol
Yes, I like alcohol. No, I am not an alcoholic. Today was a very stressful day and I needed a night of drinks to help wash away all of the crappy things bothering me. I know I shouldn't turn to alcohol, but it was just one of those days and man did it feel good.Friday; Day 38: I was grateful for weekend visitors.
Today a "friend" (we will call him V) that I haven't seen in 9 months was coming to visit. Its hard to say what our "relationship" is, but lets just say, I couldn't wait to see him and just run and hug him. From the moment I saw him that night my night was complete. I hate that I have to wait another 9-12 months to see him. Saturday; Day 39: I was grateful for spending a friend's birthday with them
Today I was reminded how special some of my friends are in my life. It was one of my good friend's birthday and all he wanted to do in the afternoon was go play mini golf. Him, his roommate and I went out on the gorgeous day to play one round and it was the perfect afternoon. I was so grateful that he asked me to join him on his special day. Sunday; Day 40: I was grateful for meeting new friends through old friends
Since my friend, V, came into town on Friday, I have been introduced to a few of his DC friends that I never hung out with before. It was really refreshing to meet new people in the city whom I have never met before. I am hoping these connects will continue to increase even after our weekend visitor leaves. Monday; Day 41: I was grateful for long goodbyes.
Today was the last day that V was in town. Although we have never and probably will never define what we have together, it was so nice to have a few days with him. I dreaded saying goodbye but knew that the time would come. Monday was his last day in town so I called in sick, headed to the golf course with him and then proceeded to spend the entire afternoon hanging out with him and friends at the bar. If I am forced to say goodbye to someone I would rather have it be a long drawn out fun filled day of happiness than a quick huge goodbye. I was so grateful for this weekend with him. Tuesday; Day 42: I was grateful for being able to take 20 minutes for lunch
I normally don't take a lunch hour at work. Today I wanted just a few minutes of fresh air and decided to run across the street to grab a sandwich. I was really happy to do this "me" time during the work day. TODAY; Day 43: Today I was grateful for the opportunity to play for free in a golf tournament
An organization that I am affiliated with hosted a golf tournament outside of the city. Normally it was a few hundred dollars to play, and I had hoped for months I would be picked up by a sponsor. Thankfully I was placed on someone's team and had the opportunity to play for free. After a great day, I can't wait till next year.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
52 Weeks of Change
You may have noticed I forgot to post my weekly change last week. Well, that's because I completely forgot to do it. I really haven't been myself the last 12 days and am getting back into the habit. So for now, we will skip last week and count this week's as Week #6.
Ten on Tuesday
1. If you could watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I think this answer would be White Christmas. I have always loved this film and love singing and dancing to the songs in it. One of my college roommates and I have always loved watching this together either over the phone or in person. It’s a great classic and I have watched it a million times.
I think this answer would be White Christmas. I have always loved this film and love singing and dancing to the songs in it. One of my college roommates and I have always loved watching this together either over the phone or in person. It’s a great classic and I have watched it a million times.
2. Let’s say someone wrote a screenplay about you; what actor/actress would you choose to play you and why?
I would love to say Marilyn Monroe, but she would have a hard time playing me since we are nothing alike. I could totally see Drew Barrymore playing me more than anyone else. If I could choose anyone though, I might say Julia Roberts, to make me a little bit softer around the edges.
3. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
Mrs. Doubtfire. I would have been in 2nd or 3rd grade, but I can remember watching this in the theater and crying when they were in trial about him getting the kids or not. I know my mom had taken me to the theaters before that, but it is as far back as I can remember.
4. Did you ever make out at the back of a movie theater in middle school/high school?
No, I was always so nervous and wasn’t much of the public theater makeout girl.
5. Are you a Netflix-er, Blockbuster-er or a Redbox-er? (Or none of the above?)
I used to be a Blockbuster-er, but then it started going out of business, limiting my in store rentals. Right now I am a total RedBox-er. LOVE the $1 movies.
6. Name one actor/actress who you would give anything to have a dinner date with.
Jack Nicholson. Anyone who knows me, knows I am a HUGE Jack Nicholson fan. I would kill to have a dinner date with him to pick his brain. However, if you know me, you also know I turn mute when in the presence of a celebrity so it might be a boring date for him with just me starring at him from across the table.
7. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
Margot at the Wedding. IT WAS HORRIBLE!
8. Do you sneak snacks into the theater when you go?
No, I am too much of a goodie-to-shoes to do that. I always feel so guilty.
9. Movie theater popcorn: love or hate it?
LOVE IT. Extra Butter, all for me J
10. What is the all-time best Disney movie in your opinion?
I think the best all-time Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. I could watch it a million times and love every song. I am singing them in my head as we speak.
Sorry I have been MIA for the past few days. Life was super crazy with a friend in town, and I completely lost sight of keeping my life on track. I sadly put my adult shoes in the closet all weekend and was carefree, however, now that I am back to the work week, I feel like I am so disorganized with life. Getting everything back on track starting today. LOTS of catch up to do.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Grateful Things
Day #36: Today I was grateful for my roommates
I realized tonight I am extremely happy with my current living situation. We all click really well and I like that I can come home and hang out with the girls. Its a great way to end the day after being stressed out at work.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Grateful Things
Day #34: (Monday) Today I was grateful for getting out of work 1 hour earlier than planned
Last night I had an event for work (I am an event planner, not sure if I have mentioned that before). I had mentally planned on getting out at 12:30 a.m. however, with the help of some speedy caterers we were able to clean up and get out the door by 11 p.m. I was estatic since that meant I had more time to work on a wedding that I am planning. The bad part was, I crashed before writing my grateful things. (sorry its a few hours late)
Day #35: (Tuesday) Today I was grateful for all of the teachers I had growing up
Ten on Tuesday
1. What is the weather like in your city today?
Today is going to be hot and humid in DC. Highs in the 80s. When I walked outside this morning, it felt so good to have the sun beaming down on me. Thank goodness I work in a building where the temperature is always super cool.
2. Do you like the zoo?
I love going to the zoo. The nice thing about DC is the zoo is free, so you can go as many times a year as you want, when you want. I love taking new people to the zoo. Seeing all of the animals is so exciting and captivating.
3. Do you eat coconut?
I am not a fan of coconut. I am very much a person who likes food based on texture and coconut seems very odd to me. I think coconut is one of those, "you either love or hate" type of foods.
4. Have you ever hammered a nail? Are you good at it?
When I moved into my first apartment after college, I had to fend for myself in terms of decorating and building new furniture. I became independent during my first year out of college. Although I used the hammer often, I will not say that I am necessarily good at it. Still mastering that part.
5. Does your family have a vacation destination that you visit often?
When I was growing up, Family Vacations was almost like Christmas time. We weren't the pack up the car and head to the beach type of family. My mom and dad always wanted to take us on a once in a lifetime experience, whether it be white water rafting, dog sledding, riding the streets of Hollywood searching for stars, or turning college visits into an educational vacation. I have very fond memories of my childhood family vacations, and although we don't have one destination spot we went to, I had the opportunity to experience alot more than most people I grew up with. I am grateful for the vacations my parents took us on.
6. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Up until Sunday, I slept with two pillows and a body pillow. However, after realizing I have had the body pillow since college, I realized it was time to clean house. I now sleep with 4 new pillows! :)
7. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
After hitting the snooze button multiple times, I either grab my phone and check my email, or pull myself to my computer desk to empty out my inbox. Its a habit now, not a good habit, but it helps to to know what I have ahead of me for the day.
8. Will you send your kids to summer camp?
I actually never thought about this, however, I want my kids to appreciate the outdoors as much as I do, so I think summer camp is a good thing to send them off to.
9. What do you put in your baked potatoes?
Just butter. I love potatoes and don't try to over kill them with anything. However, if bacon, cheese and sour cream are available, I don't think I would turn them down :)
10. Did you take swimming lessons as a kid?
Thanks again to those parents of mine, they wanted us to be the best we could be, and we were little fishes from before I can remember. I believe we started lessons around the age of 4 or 5. All of my siblings (including myself) were on the swim team, and we were one of the few families in town to have a swimming pool at our house. I grew up in the water and still love it to this day
Today is going to be hot and humid in DC. Highs in the 80s. When I walked outside this morning, it felt so good to have the sun beaming down on me. Thank goodness I work in a building where the temperature is always super cool.
2. Do you like the zoo?
I love going to the zoo. The nice thing about DC is the zoo is free, so you can go as many times a year as you want, when you want. I love taking new people to the zoo. Seeing all of the animals is so exciting and captivating.
3. Do you eat coconut?
I am not a fan of coconut. I am very much a person who likes food based on texture and coconut seems very odd to me. I think coconut is one of those, "you either love or hate" type of foods.
4. Have you ever hammered a nail? Are you good at it?
When I moved into my first apartment after college, I had to fend for myself in terms of decorating and building new furniture. I became independent during my first year out of college. Although I used the hammer often, I will not say that I am necessarily good at it. Still mastering that part.
5. Does your family have a vacation destination that you visit often?
When I was growing up, Family Vacations was almost like Christmas time. We weren't the pack up the car and head to the beach type of family. My mom and dad always wanted to take us on a once in a lifetime experience, whether it be white water rafting, dog sledding, riding the streets of Hollywood searching for stars, or turning college visits into an educational vacation. I have very fond memories of my childhood family vacations, and although we don't have one destination spot we went to, I had the opportunity to experience alot more than most people I grew up with. I am grateful for the vacations my parents took us on.
6. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Up until Sunday, I slept with two pillows and a body pillow. However, after realizing I have had the body pillow since college, I realized it was time to clean house. I now sleep with 4 new pillows! :)
7. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
After hitting the snooze button multiple times, I either grab my phone and check my email, or pull myself to my computer desk to empty out my inbox. Its a habit now, not a good habit, but it helps to to know what I have ahead of me for the day.
8. Will you send your kids to summer camp?
I actually never thought about this, however, I want my kids to appreciate the outdoors as much as I do, so I think summer camp is a good thing to send them off to.
9. What do you put in your baked potatoes?
Just butter. I love potatoes and don't try to over kill them with anything. However, if bacon, cheese and sour cream are available, I don't think I would turn them down :)
10. Did you take swimming lessons as a kid?
Thanks again to those parents of mine, they wanted us to be the best we could be, and we were little fishes from before I can remember. I believe we started lessons around the age of 4 or 5. All of my siblings (including myself) were on the swim team, and we were one of the few families in town to have a swimming pool at our house. I grew up in the water and still love it to this day
Teacher Appreciation Day
Cosi has a super cute promotion right now for Teacher Appreciation Day. Today, after 5 p.m. Teachers can stop in their local Cosi sandwich shop for a free apple crunch salad.
Happy Teacher's Appreciation Day to all of the teachers out there!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
A day that will be remembered
There are many moments in life when you will someday say to your children and grandchildren..."On the day that_______ happened, I was _____" . Today is one of those moments. After 10 years of heartache, pain, loss, and fighting, Osama Bin Laden is dead. God bless all of the troops. Thank you for your courage, your sacrifice, an your struggle to bring peace and safety to millions of americans, and your dedication.
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Grateful Weekend
I was behind on my Grateful Things posts. It was a crazy weekend and I knew I wouldn't get a chance to catch up on them until today.
Sunday: Day #33: Today I was Grateful for SundayI love Sundays. Its my day to catch up on life and relax at the same time. I have a mental to-do list of different things I need to get done, and I spend Sundays banging them out. Its sort of my prep day for the week but also my winding down day from the week past. I love Sunday mornings and evenings.
Friday: Day #31: Today I was Grateful for the work week to be over
Its been a rough few weeks at work for me. I am struggling to figure out my future and wondering if the job I am in, is helping me get to where I want to be. When Friday was over, I was so happy to start the weekend and stop thinking about work.Saturday: Day #32: Today I was Grateful for Volunteering
Last year I had the opportunity to help with Hands on DC, a charity organization that dedicates one day a year to clean up DC schools in the metro area. This year I helped by painting bathrooms at a high school. It felt great to volunteer and spend my Saturday morning doing something productive. I was grateful to have this opportunity. Sunday: Day #33: Today I was Grateful for the Troops
It was just announced this evening that Osama Bin Laden is finally dead. Americans and American troops have been struggling for 10 long years to bring justice to what happened in 2001. Today, the president confirmed to all Americans that Bin Laden is dead. We are eternally grateful to the troops for fighting each and every day for our safety. We sometimes forget how many hours a days are spend at war for our country. Thank you, to all of the troops out there fighting for us.
"You have our everlasting gratitude"
Spring Cleaning
This weekend I was caught off guard by running into an ex. I have tried to keep my distance from him after our breakup because of all of the pain that came with that negative relationship. After seeing him I again put my wall up and became bitter. To clean out my mind I decided today would be dedicated to spring cleaning...a mental detox.
Pillow Talk
I decided that my bitter and bad attitude had to go. Running into the ex was emotionally draining to me and I decided I needed a few minutes just to myself. I went to get a pedicure and my eyebrows waxed. It felt amazing and it was exactly what I needed to start fresh for the new month.
Window Washer
I am not even sure the last time I windex my windows. Although I feel like a 45 year old pulling out the screens and cleaning the actual windows, it helped to bring in fresh light into my room, something much needed for May.
Three loads of laundry later, $80 spent at target on beauty and household products, and 1 clean bedroom later, I feel alot better about my attitude. If only now I could take back all of the negative things I may have said this weekend in anger. OOPs, sorry friends..
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