Friday, April 29, 2011

The Dress is Revealed

I have to admit, after working 13.5 hours yesterday I did not wake up in time to watch the wedding, but I have it all taped, and watched the highlights on the news in the morning.  But, I have to say I am madly in love with her dress.  She looks flawless, stunning, and everything a bride would hope to look like on her wedding day. 

I love the lace on the dress and would love to tie it in someday into my dress. 
She just looked classic and beautiful.

Did anyone wake up to watch it?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day #30: Things I am Grateful For

Day #30: Today I was grateful for those few extra seconds

I have really gotten into this new book: The Hunger Games.  Ok, its not new, but I just heard about it and am in love with the series.  I have been reading it like crazy the last few days and just wanted a few extra minutes on the metro so that I could complete it tonight.  I was so grateful for that extra moment I had waiting for the train to make sure I finished in time.  This is a MUST READ!

This really happened

I get out of work at 11:00 p.m. starving, tired, and throbbing (standing on my feet too long).  I stumble off the metro, dreading the last 4 blocks that I have to walk in my uncomfortable nylons and dress and then I see a 7/11.  

I am not proud of this next part, but I was starving.  

I walk in and see these hotdogs....ok they were corndogs.  YES JUDGE ME :)  and I ask for one.  The guy gets out the little baggie it slides into and puts the corn dog in.  He turns around and BOOM, the bag drops to the ground.  He picks up the bag and rings me up. 

 I look at him and say.  Sir, did that just fall on the ground? 

And he stares at me shaking his head "No, no".

"Ok Sir, what just fell then"

Barely able to speak english " Yes, the bag, but it ok"

"Sir, I do not want that one.  I am not paying for it.  It just fell onto the ground."

He gives me the evil eye, turns around and grabs another.  

After I pay and head to the door I notice him taking the bag that fell, taking out the corndog and putting it back on the hot dog roller.  GROSS!!!!!!

Yes, he really did that. 

Bring your child to work day

Today was bring your child to work day.  Did anyone participate? Unfortunately no bambino in my world, but it was cute watching all of the parents and children on the metro. 

TFG: Banana Nut Muffin

I love reading the Token Fat Girl's Blog. She understand larger women who are struggling with weight loss like myself.  Yesterday she posted an amazingly delicious recipe for Banana Muffins.  I can't wait to try these.  Once she makes them, she individually wraps them and puts it in the freezer.  Great idea!!

Job Funk

Have you ever been in a career funk? You are in a moment where you aren't sure if the current job you are in is right for you anymore, but aren't sure where to go from here? I have been in this job for a year and 7 months and I have found myself in a rut.  I am not as happy as I used to be and find myself bored most days on the job.  There are alot of things that I would like to change but it after some push and shove it doesn't seem like it will.  I hate to seem like a job hopper but would a new job be the solution I am looking for?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day #29: Things I am Grateful For

Day #29: Today I am grateful for my boss taking sick days...

So that I can blast music and relax at the office while I work

Tonight's Workout

Tonight I will be forcing myself to workout after a dinner/movie night with friends.  That means my gym will be closed and I am left with resorting to one of my tapes.  Tonight...the famous Mari Winsor pilates.  50 minutes...oy vey!

(Semi) Wordless Wednesday


The Sleepover

Its been a while since my last sleepover.  I've been lacking a lot in the love and dating world, and although I hope to change that soon, for the time being I been living vicariously through my friend's dating life.  Recently her story of sleepless nights has reminded me of the good and bad sleepovers from the past.  So many things can go wrong when having a coed sleepover.  You meet a boy, things are going well, you exchange a few kisses, maybe after a few cocktails the hormones start raging, and then comes the moment you decide whether or not you will be uttering the words "My place or yours?"

All is well in the next half hour (given that he can pull through on his end), and then comes the actual sleeping part.  Of course in our minds we want it to work out just perfectly, where we are wrapped in each other's arms, him the big spoon and you the little, as you slowly drift off to sleep. But lets face it, not every sleepover mimics the movies.  His arm under your head is sweet at first, but then as your neck starts hurting from the bony arm underneath you, you'll do anything to slide to the edge of the bed escaping his wrath. 

And then the snoring starts.  At first his light breathing is peaceful and relaxing, until his nasal passages seem to burst open and what sounds like a locomotive is driving through your bed takes off. You try to go back to sleep, hoping the late night cocktails are still running through your blood allowing you to doze of quickly, but its not always the case.  His attempt to pull you closer and be your cuddle buddy is preventing you from falling into your REM sleep.  When you finally doze off for what seems like only a mere 5 minutes its morning and you are woken up exhausted and being poked by more than just his arm under the sheets. 

No, not every sleepover is as painful as the one above.  Once in a while you find that perfect cuddle buddy.  The one you can't seem to fall asleep without anymore.  You are like one in the bed together with just enough cuddle time and just enough sleep time.  But how come every bed buddy isn't like that? 

Can a relationship turn sour just from the sleeping, or lack their of? 

Although a relationship should not be defined by your sleeping habits, it can make the happy sleepovers go from good to bad immediately.  

You want the man to be the perfect addition not the reason you toss and turn all night.  Are the perfect cuddle buddies still out there? Or are they all snatched up by the other hungry women in this world? While writing this post I was reminded of my favorite cuddle buddy and unfortunately reminded of my worst.  Neither worked out, but thankfully I had more time with the good one than the bad.


Do you ever see those women who seem to do it all? They are the successful business woman, daily bloggers, authors of children books, owner of a speciality product line,  the loving wife, best baker in town, never forgets a holiday or special occassion and seems to have it all together at every moment of the day! 

That's who I want to be! I cram my life full of activities and dinner parties. I use every free moment to organize events, meet with friends, run organizations and volunteer my time so that I can seem to do everything and be that superwoman we all admire...sadly, I don't have it all together.  I sometimes cheat when it comes to cooking, will be windexing the mirrors while brushing my teeth just to get it done in time.  I skip shaving to allow five extra minutes to pack my lunch for the day and will spend $50 on flowers for a friend or family member if I realized their birthday card is still sitting on my counter stampless.  Yes, I want to have it all together, no, I am only fooling myself to say that I do.  

Who do I look up to? 

Well for starters there is my mother.  She has had it together for years.  She is on every committee in our home town, used to run a gift shop in town, had a home cooked meal every night for us, attended all of our extracurricular activities, and never seemed to look tired or worn out.  I want to be like her...

Next in line is Pioneer Woman.  I read her blog daily, and always say to myself "HOW DOES SHE DO IT ALL?" She is a mother, a writer, a worker, a teacher, a loving wife, a blogger, a chef, and never seems to be stressed out at all.  Do I need to marry my cowboy to get it all together and still do it all?

Now, don't judge me by my next comment but most nights I want to be just like Bethenny Frankel.  She is successful, crazy, hilarious, loving, beautiful and still has it all together.  She has a man that loves her, a beautiful baby, she keeps her life going full speed ahead at all times, and is always taking on new opportunities or projects. 

Its sad that I strive to be this type of person, but this is what I live for. I want to be going 110 mph and still have time to cook a friend food. If I stare at an empty calendar I fill it up immediately.  I vow to live my life to the fullest and will even go as far to double book myself so that I am only getting back home at 1 a.m. and then still have projects to do at home.  Is this lifestyle crazy? yes! Does it stress me out? YES! But it is what I want out of life? YES! I want to be the next Pioneer Woman, Bethenny Frankel and my mother combined.  With a little bit of Oprah in there too (with out the Gale!)

Are there other wannabe superwomans out there  like me? Or am I a just crazy?

Administrative Professionals Day

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day #28: Things I am Grateful For

Day #28: Today I was grateful for clear skies

because I was able to get home from work and go for a long walk out in the beautiful weather.  It was a great way to work out while still being outside.  My neighborhood is not all flat so there are some little hills and inclines along the way, that helped to work my butt muscles!

Face Lift

You may have noticed my blog got a face lift over night.  I am working on a new style/image for the blog and right now since I can't make a decision I am pausing on this design for a while....sorry for the minor surgery...more updates in the next few months.  

Ten on Tuesday

Have you heard about Roots and Rings ? Its a blog I stumbled upon through another blog. She posts these Ten on Tuesdays which allows you to answer a set of questions about yourself. Here are this week's Ten on Tuesday about me:

1. How many blogs do you read every day and what are they? (I’m talking the ones you NEVER miss)

Alot! Its kind of scary when I open my Google Reader each day to scan through the blogs I subscribe too.  I actually have two different google accounts with two different sets of lists.  

2. How many “best friends” do you have? Do you have different “besties” for different areas of your life?

I have alot of best friends. Its hard to determine at times what makes one more of a best friend than another, however, I realized its not about what they do, or where they live, or how I know them.  Each friend is there for me for different areas of my life.  I have my without fail, will always be there friend that knows all of my deep dark secrets.  I have my friends to lean on, laugh with, and that I can stand to live with. I have the best friends that have been with me my entire life, and no matter how much time goes in between each conversation, we just pick it up where we left off.  I am 26 years old and have been in many different stages of my life already...there is a best friend in there for every area of my craziness, happiness, good times and bad. 

3. What’s your daily make up routine?

I am not much of a girlie girl.  I try at times to be.  But you will find me in sweats and a t-shirt more than dresses and high heels.  Although I live in DC, I am still a small town girl at heart.  When I wake up in the morning I without fail need my moisturizer and eyeliner.  I also have to cover up this spot on my face that I am extremely self-conscious about.  Its a broken blood vessel that I have had on my face since 5th grade and its the one thing I notice first when I look in the mirror
4. What is your ideal girl’s night?  

A real girls night would involve a marathon of movies (or lifetime movies), wine, pizza or pasta...and yeah lets add some spa time in there too.   

5. Do you keep up with your nails/toenails or are they au natural?

I have to have my toenails painted.  Its the one thing that I can't go without.  I can't even remember the last time I have seen the nails go more than 4 hours without paint on them.  However, on the other hand I feel completely opposite of my nails.  I can't stand to have nailpolish on my hands and therefore they are always bare.  --- How odd and backwards does that make me?  Ok, calling up to schedule a pedicure immediately!
6. What’s your best roommate story (assuming you had a roommate at some point in your life)?

Where to start? I have gone through roommates in college and roommates after college...still currently living with 4 housemates in Northern Virginia.  I have to say one of the funniest stories was during college, junior year, my roommate and I somehow got locked INSIDE our room.  It took an hour or two, some pushing, shoving and I believe school saftey officers to help get us out.  Talk about a blonde moment for us brunette girls.   

7. What’s your “go to” outfit that you wear more than anything else?

 I would have to say its the outfit I am wearing today.  Its a long ruffled pink shirt from Ann Taylor loft, layered with a navy blue Ann Taylor loft cardigan with khaki dress pants.  I tend to always wear black to hide my curves (and by curves I mean my rolls), but this outfit is comfortable and I tend to wear it on my fat days.

8. Do you have a beauty secret?

Gosh, I wish I had beauty secrets.  People always compliment my amazing skin, however, if they really knew I wash my face maybe twice a month they would be shocked.  I guess I was just blessed with amazing skin (and I don't even take care of it). 

9. Did you read Seventeen magazine growing up?

Of course! I can remember many sleepovers where we took the quizzes and learned about beauty secrets, fashion, and sex tips. 

10. How did you learn to put on makeup?

I think from my friends.  I had watched my mom with makeup growing up, and then watched my friends start wearing it before I did, however, I am not one for heavy foundation or thick makeup.  

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day #27: Things I am grateful For

Day #27: Today I was grateful for WIFI I could work outside on my computer during this gorgeous Monday evening!

Week #5: Change Challenge

So far, I have been doing great about continuing my challenges even after the weeks have ended.  The only one I can't seem to keep up is reading before bed without TV.  TV in bed is like my crack.  I crave it and need it.  
Or at least I convince myself I do...either way, its crack that I like :)

But besides that one challenge, I am drinking more water, walking a few extra blocks to work, and flossing.

Week #5: Work out 3 days this week

Now, that I have gotten into going to the gym once a week, I want to bump that up to working out 3 days this week which will hopefully stick and increase as each week goes on.  I am going to be heading there tonight for sure to burn off the extra calories I consumed this weekend at my Easter lunch!

Kid in a candy store

You should have seen me this weekend. I was like a kid in a candy store for the first time.  Now that lent is over, so is my separation from soda, fried foods, and dessert.  Talk about sugar overload.  I had been away from these products so long that I couldn't wait to dive back in.  The only problem was, I went into sugar overload and felt extremely sick from the massive amounts of sugar and fried foods.  Lesson from this weekend, I need to cut them out of my life again to regain back the strength I had before.

Day #25 & Day #26: Things I am Grateful For

I am late on posts this weekend.  It was a jammed packed weekend of activities with friends, and because of that technology took a back seat.  Time to catch up on emails, blog posts, and life.

Saturday: Day #25: Today I am grateful
for bars by the water

I know, it sounds like a silly thing to be thankful for, however, after living in a city for the past 4 years you come to appreciate little "escapes" that allow you to unwind from the day.  Saturday, I subbed in on my friends' flag football team. It was such a beautiful day out and afterward we wanted to go somewhere to unwind and just enjoy each other's company.  In DC there is a bar down by the waterfront that sits on a dock by some of the boats in the harbor.  Sitting out on the dock sipping on a drink reminds you more of a vacation than being in a busy city.  It was the perfect way to relax with friends and enjoy the beautiful weather. 

Sunday: Day #26: Today I am grateful for my religion

I haven't been the best catholic lately.  So, I really can't talk much about religion but I did grow up in a catholic household.  Every Sunday we would go to church and every Wednesday until we were juniors we would attend CCD.  During college,  I tried to go to church but somehow partying, working, studying, and socializing seemed to get in the way.  (Immature I know...) Once I moved after college I somehow fell into the trend of not attending weekly.  There was no real good excuse why not to go, however, I never made an attempt to go each week.  Now that I have been out of college for years you would think I would have fallen back into the habit of attending weekly, but something inside of me hasn't forced myself to attend.  Yesterday, although I was extremely busy making Easter lunch for friends and really wanted to just sleep in after partying all night, I forced myself to get up and attend.  Duirng the middle of mass, I realized that I missed the weekly routine from my childhood.  I was proud of my catholicism and wanted to slowly start bringing it back into my life. I am happy my parents instilled the religion in our life and hope one day I can do the same for my kids.  For the time being, I just have to work on getting myself there and soon it will fall back into my normal routine.  


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day #24: Things I am Grateful For

Day #24: Today I was grateful for mental health days.

Because sometimes you just need a day off to clear your mind.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day #23: Things I am Grateful For

Day #23: Today I am grateful that my schedule lined up with an old friend so
 that we could take an hour to chat

I have a best friend from childhood that has a similarly busy schedule as I do.  We never get to chat anymore and it kills me to see us talking less and less frequently.  Tonight for the first time in months we found a time that worked for both of us to chat.  I was so grateful for this short  hour. She means the world to me and I love hearing her voice on the phone. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day #22: Things I am Grateful For

Day #22: Today I am Grateful for The Gym

Yep, you heard me right. 
I am grateful for the gym.  

Tonight it allowed me to clear my head, get out some built up energy, and just zone out.  

Tonight, I needed to clear my head and get away. 

Tonight the gym was my escape. 

Tonight was one of the first nights of many at the gym

Love for Wine

Don't we all feel this way sometimes:  

A woman is sitting at home on the veranda with her husband and she says,
 "I love you."
        He asks, "Is that you or the wine talking?"
        She replies, "It's me............. talking to the wine."

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day #21: Things I am Grateful Fo

Day #21: Today I am Grateful for 
amazing Friends Who Sent Beautiful Flowers

Today I received a huge surprise at work.  


I had never received flowers at work, however, today broke my flower virginity.  

My two good friends who spent the weekend with me sent me flowers just because.  

It completely made my day! 

I am grateful for having people in my life who love me enough to send flowers


Got the best surprise at work today from two very important friends in my life. I almost cried!
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The Road Ahead

When I was growing up, 30 sounded old, and 25 was the latest I wanted to start my family.  I dreamed of being a famous event planner in Hollywood, with a small country home and a few dogs and kids.  

As I grew up and the age 25 came and went, 
I realized that life isn't always what we dream up as kids.  
However, that doesn't mean I don't have an amazing life ahead of me.

Food Truck Monday

 Today I was in a good mood.  

I had the best weekend with friends from out of town.  
I drove in the beautiful weather yesterday up the Pennsylvania countryside for a bridal shower, and then I hung out with my ex for a little and hit some balls at a batting cage.  

Today I woke up in a fantastic mood and to my surprise 
the Lobster Truck was only going to be a few blocks from my work.  

When I arrived, the line was about 100 people deep.  Nothing was stopping me from getting this meal.  I had wanted to try it forever. I texted a friend who worked nearby and had him stand in line with me while I waited.

45 minutes went by....

We were still in line.  

 Finally, it was our turn! 


I got the traditional roll with a lemonade and chips. 
$18...but it was packed with meat.  

We grabbed the nearest park bench and 
I opened up the container to reveal the goodness inside. 

It was delicious...but of course now I am curious as to what the hot butter one tastes like. 

Two food trucks down, many more to go!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week #4: Change Challenge

Week #4: This week I vow to change one major thing in my life: To drink more water

Years ago I began getting kidney stones, and let me tell you, they are NOT fun.  Every year to year and a half I am reminded of these crazy buggers that hide out in my kidney.  Recently, my doctor informed me that I need to start drinking 1 - 2 liters of water a day to help flush them out and prevent them from coming back as often.  Sadly, I will have problems with kidney stones my entire life, however, if drinking water helps to prolong the time in between each episode, I am in full support of acting on that.  This week, I vow to drink 1 liter of water a day.  WOW...I hope my bathroom stalls at work don't run out of toliet paper, I feel like I will be peeing every 5 minutes!

Day #20: Things I am grateful For

Day #20: Today I was grateful for quick lines at Jiffy Lube

In between my busy weekend, I completely forgot to give some TLC to my car.  During my 45 minute open window I rushed into Jiffy Lube for a quick tune-up.  I was so thankful they were not crowded when I rushed in the door.  Their quick work helped to keep me on track for the day.  Thank goodness for short lines and hard workers when you need it the most.

Bridal Shower in PA

This Month I have been traveling quite a bit to PA.  With gas prices so high and my car in the end of her life, I try not to travel as much, but I have been very excited about traveling this month for my dear friend Jen's bridal events.  Last weekend I was in Pennsylvania for her bachelorette party and to speak at my college, however, this weekend, I am heading back up to PA for her bridal shower.  Driving to Pennsylvania is so excited because it instantly reminds me of home.  Don't you just love that feeling you get as you start thinking about your childhood and being with your parents? Although I won't see them today, I am excited to dip my feet back into the Pennsylvania ground.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day #19: Things I am Grateful For

Day #19 Today I was grateful that
I could park for free at my office.

Yes, its Saturday.

Yes, Its raining.

And yes, I am working.  

OF all days, why did I have to work today? I have friends in town visiting, I am exhausted, and its pouring down rain.  

I was not happy about having to come into work, however, I was extremely grateful that our executive director let me use her parking spot at the office so that I didn't have to take the metro tonight at 1 a.m. in the bitter cold.  I AM EXTREMELY grateful for this. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Finding the Time

Time is the one thing we sometimes waste, yet other times want more of. 
Some days time moves so slow, while other days goes to fast. 
Its the one thing that will never change, yet seems to change who we are and what we do

Take time to do all of the things in the above quote.  
We should all live our lives this way.

Day #18: Things I am Grateful For

Day #18: Today I was grateful for having the time to take a lunch break with friends

Today two of my good friends are in town and I had the opportunity to leave work and spend some time with them outside for lunch. It was so nice to just sit around with them and enjoy each other's company.  I am so grateful for that short time we had together this afternoon.  After such a stressful week its nice to take time to enjoy the nice weather outside with friends.

Stop and smell the roses

The last two days in DC have been absolutely beautiful out.  I couldn't help but spend all of my free time outside of work enjoying the beautiful weather.  On my way walking to the mall, (and for you non-DC folks, thats the National Mall, not a shopping mall) I noticed these beautiful flowers alongside the sidewalk.  As I was rushing by trying to make it from point A to point B in time I decided to stop for a moment and take a photo of the beautiful flowers.  Quite literally I was stopping to smell the roses tulips.

Just remember that as crazy as our life is at times,
its good to stop and enjoy the things around us.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I believe..

I love Audrey Hepburn -- This is so true. 

Happy Thursday

So excited because one of my best friends comes into town tonight.  Can't wait to spend the weekend with her and her husband.

Day #17: Things I am Grateful For

Day #17: Today I am Grateful for KICKBALL!!

I have waited since October for kickball to return back into my life and finally the wait it over.  Spring Kickball begins tonight.  I feel like a kid in a candy store!

Here's to kicking balls at the Washington Monument

Drinking late nights in DC

And making memories with some good people

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Work out

Last night I bit the bullet and went for my first workout in over a month.  Although I started off slow, I did the elliptical for 40 minutes and it felt great.  I felt like a new woman afterward.  I think this one day kick start was exactly what I needed to get my butt in motion.  

Makes you think

Day #16: Today I am grateful for

Day #16: Today I am grateful for Comp Time

I have been on the go at work and personally for so long that my mind and body are starting to get worn out.  Today I made the decision to sleep an extra hour. Its the first time in over a month that I was able to get more than 6 1/2 hours of sleep and it felt amazing.  I am so happy that this job is flexible in using comp time so that I could benefit from this, this morning.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day # 15: Things I am Thankful For

Day #15: Today I am thankful for Hot Water

I woke up this morning, NOT in the mood to go to work and hoped for something to kick my butt into gear to start this morning.  When you don't drink caffeine like me, its hard to sometimes get that instant wake-up in the mornings that most people get from their daily cup of coffee.  For me, its hot water.  Whether I am holding my hands under the warm water from the sink or standing in the hot shower for a few extra minutes, its a great way for me to feel refreshed, awake and alive in the morning.  Since moving into my new place a year and a half ago, I have unfortunately run into moments when our hot water has gone out.  Its during those days the most that I realize how lucky I am to have hot water......pure bliss.

Serendipity: Chance Meetings

I really do feel like everything happens for a reason.  Last week I was back at my college for a presentation.  Although I graduated 5 years ago, the feeling I got on this campus the first day I stepped out of my mothers car, never seems to go away.  Its a feeling I receive each and every time I return to campus.

During this trip I was trying to cram multiple visits to old co-workers, professors and friends within my short time frame.  As I was crossing over through the lounge on my way to my presentation (yes unfortunately I was running a few minutes behind) I did a double take as an old classmate walked in the door.  He was someone who had been in love with a roommate of mine for years and tended to end up at the same parties me many times in the past.  It had been years since I had seen him but this time something was different.  I am not sure if it was the nerves for my upcoming presentation, or the fact I was caught off guard seeing him, but something came over me that left me on a natural high the rest of the weekend.  

He had always been such a bubbly personality and quite the catch for any single lady, but was never in a relationship.  I learned quickly in the two minute conversation we had, that he recently started working back at the college as a coach.  I immediately emailed my roommates to let them know of my chance encounter.  I had always hoped he would marry one of my girlfriends, and as they each slowly get married, I am slowly turning the page on that dream, however, something inside of me hopes that I run into him again in the near future. 

Guilty Pleasures

I sometimes get caught up in the fast pace life that I forget to take time to slow down and enjoy what is going on around me.  Life has been pretty chaotic lately, and I really wouldn't have it any other way.  However, during life on the fast lane, I reminded myself to take 2 hours and spend sometime just by myself. 

First stop: Payless for a little shoe shopping 
(however, with money a little tight, I decided to put the three pairs back on shelf)

Afterward I skipped over for a quick lunch at Cosi.  
The Chicken TBM has been a favorite of mine for years.  Their bread is just so irresistible. 

 I had schedule a hair appointment during my crazy day because oddly enough its one of the most relaxing things I can incorporate into my life.  I love sitting in the chair having someone else shampoo and style my hair.  Although an expensive guilty pleasure of mine, I love my stylist and love taking time to just veg out.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Week #3: Changes

I have to admit, last week's minor change of attempting to floss everyday has started to become a natural part of my daily routine.  Maybe these small changes will have a big impact on my life.

This week, my change is something that I hope to carry out throughout the summer.  During my morning commute to work I have the option of riding up to the front door of my building (forcing me to transfer trains at a certin point) or metroing and getting off a few stops early walking the rest of the way.  

In the past, the warm weather always encouraged me to get off the train early and finish the commute by walking.  Somehow over the winter months my lazy bones began riding the full way.  Now that the weather is nice again I am implementing this routine back into my schedule.  

Week #3: Change: Walking the few extra blocks to work

Who knows, maybe this one little change will kick up my weight loss.

Update: I have lost 6 lbs within the last few weeks. 28 more days until my next milestone this year...and I have 15 lbs I want to lose before then.

Bongo Bongo!

This past weekend I did alot of traveling to and from Pennsylvania.  On Thursday night I traveled up to Hazleton, PA.  Friday morning, I was scheduled to speak at my university's communication's week and with DC traffic always crazy on Friday mornings I figured it would be best to split up the trip and travel up Thursday night.  

Being back on my college campus brought back so many memories.  It reminded me of walking to class on Monday mornings, staying late in the classrooms working on projects, hanging out at my then boyfriend's frat house, working long hours at my "part-time" job and most of all, remembering all of the people I met during those four years.  It reminded me that one simple decision such as the college I attended, shaped my life forever. 

If I hadn't attended that school, I would have never met the best friends I have today.  

I may have never decided to move to DC and start my career as an event planner. 
I would have never had memories of standing on study room tables preaching about making memories to my freshman classmates

I would have never met my college boyfriend, 
who, now just a friend, is there for me during good times and bad.

I would have never spent car rides with my girlfriends driving to another town for a tanning trip, followed by cigar smoking in the back seat.
I would have never learned that cafeteria trays do make great sleds and shovels during the snowy months.

I may have never learned the ins and outs of catering from the best family of co-workers in the industry.

Yes, I would have had other memories, and other friends during the four years at a different university, but being back on my campus reminded me that my acceptance into this particular college, helped to make my life what it is today, and for that I am thankful.

While back at my university I was tempted to stop in one of my favorite restaurants to get their famous bongo bongo dip.  Many nights were spent at this restaurant...drunken and sober ones.

 I knew this treat would not only be enjoyable to me but also for my roommates. 

Although awful for my diet, this little treat definitely hit the spot.  If you are every in central PA, make sure to stop at BJs for Bongo Bongo Dip and their famous BJs Bomber (its a drink with 9 shots)

Day #14: Things I am grateful for

Day #14: Today I am grateful for Sunshine!

Today when I woke up and loved that the weather man predicted sunshine and high temperatures today.  The sun is definitely an instant mood booster, and much needed on this Monday. 

Day #13: Things I am grateful for

Day #13: Today I was grateful for laughter

Nothing brings instant joy to ones life like laughter.  Laughs can be contagious and infectious.  

Laughing till you cry
Laughing until it hurts
Rolling on the floor, falling out of your seat kind of laughter.

It makes you younger
It makes you feel like you are finally living life.

Laughter is the cure for many bad days

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day #12: Things I am grateful For

Day #12: I am Grateful for Facebook/Email

Ok, not in a corny way like, "I am happy I can stalk people", but because this morning I wanted to remind some of the dearest friends of mine that I missed them and was thinking of them.  I appreciate the technology we have on the internet today that allows me to write short notes to my friends to let them know I miss them, love them and am thinking of them.  Instant love notes.

Ok, you can judge me

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day #10 & Day #11: Things I am grateful for

Sorry for the delay in grateful things post.  Yesterday I spent the entire day at work preparing for a possible government shutdown and then headed on the road to head to PA for a presentation at my college.  

(Thursday) Day #10: I am grateful for my car

Yes, my car gives me alot of headaches.  It costs me a ton of money, but it gets me where I need to go when I need to get there.  I forgot how much I loved driving through the countryside in Pennsylvania until Thursday evening when I was heading through the windy roads of central PA.  Driving in a familiar area brought back many memories of my childhood and college days.  I used to love driving to clear my head.  I am truly grateful to have the car in my life and although she has needed more "tune-ups" than Pamela Anderson, my Lady Liberty is one thing I am grateful to have.

(Friday) Day #11: I am grateful for my
college work family

Today I had the honor of returning back to my college to talk to a group of communication students about life after college and how to make it in their first job.  It was such an honor to be asked to participate and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time talking to the students.  However, the real highlight of my day was getting the opportunity to visit with my former co-workers from college.  During my college years I spent many hours a week at my job.  I had a passion for catering and I loved spending time with my co-workers.  

Every time I have an opportunity to stop by my college to visit with them it brings me so much joy to sit and catch up with them for a few moments.  They were like a second family to me during and always went out of their way to take care of me.  I would have been lost without them.  Today was a great day! It not only reminded me of all of the great people I have had in my life throughout the years, but it reminded me of how lucky I have been.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No, those aren't butterflies in my stomach

Lately, I have been trying really hard to eat healthy.  Since lent began, I gave up dessert, which has significantly cut out sugar from my diet.  I also gave up fried foods and soda.  I have been feeling good lately and although I really miss those treats, I am happy to have them out of my life for a little bit and really hope to keep it up after Easter.  I jumped on the scale this morning and noticed I lost 4 lbs in the last week.  Its kind of hard to tell 4 lbs when you are significantly overweight, however, I have to start somewhere and it gave me motivation to keep up the good work.

The bad part is, I was at a educational/networking event last night and because it ran through dinner I had to snack on some of the appetizers there.  Unfortunately, they did some damage on my stomach and because I ate some things I am allergic to, I am paying for it all day long today.  My stomach is doing flips and not so happy with me right now...thank goodness for an excessive amount of restrooms at work! I think I learned my lesson to stick with the healthier living style with foods I can eat.

Day #9 Things I am Grateful For

Day #9: I am grateful for my alarm clock

I am grateful for my alarm clock for two reason, one because it helps to keep me on time and make sure I don't miss anything important, but also because I love my snooze button.  Sometimes, we all just need another 5 - 10 minutes of sleep.  This morning I was so thankful for the snooze alarm to let me finish resting for a few moments.   I don't want to sound materialistic being thankful for an alarm clock, but without it, I would be lost. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day #8 Things I am grateful For

Day #8: I am grateful for music

Its so funny how music can affect your mood.  It can cheer you up, make you smile, remind you of a memory, or make you feel like someone can relate to how you feel.   Today, I am grateful for James Morrison, Maroon 5, Sugarland, and many others for getting me through the day. 

Ten on Tuesday

Its Tuesday and today I am copying fellow bloggers on the Ten on Tuesday Challenge.  The challenge involves answering a set of 10 questions about yourself.  Theme for this week is FOOD. 

1. What is a food that you never thought you would try, but then tried and liked?

Calamari.  I remember as a kid my family was always ordering it and since at the time I thought  I hated seafood I would never try it.  One night while out with the family, our meals were taking forever in the kitchen and all we had at the table was a plate of calamari and bread.  I decided that my stomach needed to be filled immediately and filled up my appetizer plate with a few rings of calamari.  It was heaven.  Since then, I have been in love with the appetizer, sometimes even ordering it for my meal.

2. Do you subscribe to any foodie publications? If so, which ones?  

Rachael Ray's Magazine.  I am obsessed with it.  I have been a subscriber for years and always find myself riping pages from the magazine to put in my "food binder" I never want my subscriptions to end.

3. What ingredient do you find yourself reaching for the most when you cook?

Garlic, Garlic, Garlic.  I would love to put Garlic in everything I make.  I can't live without it.  (sorry for the garlic breath)

4. Are there any foods that you hated as a child, but then learned to like as an adult?

Besides Calamari, I would have to say tomatoes.  I never liked tomatoes and am still a little hesitant about eating them, but have added them more and more to recopies that I am making.  

5. What do you like to eat that others may consider weird?

I absolutely love pumpkin flower.  My grandmother used to make these fried pancake looking items that were made from pumpkin flowers and they were to die for.  As soon as I began writing this post I immediately called up my grandmother for the recipe.  Its one of the things I will make this summer to remind me of my childhood.

6. What is the weirdest ingredient you’ve ever cooked with?

I would  say that the pumpkin flower was the weirdest thing I have ever cooked with.

7. Do you have any major food allergies?

I actually do have food allergies to alot of foods.  Its surprising to most people because I still tend to eat those foods even though I know I have the allergy.  I have been better at limiting wheat, barley, potatoes, milk products etc.  However, my list of food allergies is longer than ones I am not allergic to, so I will save you from writing them all down.

8. Is there an ingredient that you would like to cook with, but are intimidated to try?

I would love to cook a cornish hen.  I have Julia Child's cookbook but am intimidated to try many of the recipes.  I would love this year to make a meal with a cornish hen.  I know of my best friends has recently attempted it, so I should get up the courage to try it myself.  

9. Do you bake?

I do love to bake but I have to admit I am not much of a baker.  My best products thus far in baking have been cake pops.  I need to improve on my baking skills.

10.  If you could go on any “foodie” show to compete, which one would it be, and why?

I would love to go on Top Chef.  I have actually been a taster on Top Chef before, so I have been able to see the judges in real life, eat the food that the competitors have made during a restaurant war and experienced the TV reality show.  But I would love to be so good that I am on the show to compete.