Have you heard about Roots and Rings ? Its a blog I stumbled upon through another blog. She posts these Ten on Tuesdays which allows you to answer a set of questions about yourself. Here are this week's Ten on Tuesday about me:
1. How many blogs do you read every day and what are they? (I’m talking the ones you NEVER miss)
Alot! Its kind of scary when I open my Google Reader each day to scan through the blogs I subscribe too. I actually have two different google accounts with two different sets of lists.
2. How many “best friends” do you have? Do you have different “besties” for different areas of your life?
I have alot of best friends. Its hard to determine at times what makes one more of a best friend than another, however, I realized its not about what they do, or where they live, or how I know them. Each friend is there for me for different areas of my life. I have my without fail, will always be there friend that knows all of my deep dark secrets. I have my friends to lean on, laugh with, and that I can stand to live with. I have the best friends that have been with me my entire life, and no matter how much time goes in between each conversation, we just pick it up where we left off. I am 26 years old and have been in many different stages of my life already...there is a best friend in there for every area of my craziness, happiness, good times and bad.
3. What’s your daily make up routine?
I am not much of a girlie girl. I try at times to be. But you will find me in sweats and a t-shirt more than dresses and high heels. Although I live in DC, I am still a small town girl at heart. When I wake up in the morning I without fail need my moisturizer and eyeliner. I also have to cover up this spot on my face that I am extremely self-conscious about. Its a broken blood vessel that I have had on my face since 5th grade and its the one thing I notice first when I look in the mirror
4. What is your ideal girl’s night?
A real girls night would involve a marathon of movies (or lifetime movies), wine, pizza or pasta...and yeah lets add some spa time in there too.
5. Do you keep up with your nails/toenails or are they au natural?
I have to have my toenails painted. Its the one thing that I can't go without. I can't even remember the last time I have seen the nails go more than 4 hours without paint on them. However, on the other hand I feel completely opposite of my nails. I can't stand to have nailpolish on my hands and therefore they are always bare. --- How odd and backwards does that make me? Ok, calling up to schedule a pedicure immediately!
6. What’s your best roommate story (assuming you had a roommate at some point in your life)?
Where to start? I have gone through roommates in college and roommates after college...still currently living with 4 housemates in Northern Virginia. I have to say one of the funniest stories was during college, junior year, my roommate and I somehow got locked INSIDE our room. It took an hour or two, some pushing, shoving and I believe school saftey officers to help get us out. Talk about a blonde moment for us brunette girls.
7. What’s your “go to” outfit that you wear more than anything else?
I would have to say its the outfit I am wearing today. Its a long ruffled pink shirt from Ann Taylor loft, layered with a navy blue Ann Taylor loft cardigan with khaki dress pants. I tend to always wear black to hide my curves (and by curves I mean my rolls), but this outfit is comfortable and I tend to wear it on my fat days.
8. Do you have a beauty secret?
Gosh, I wish I had beauty secrets. People always compliment my amazing skin, however, if they really knew I wash my face maybe twice a month they would be shocked. I guess I was just blessed with amazing skin (and I don't even take care of it).
9. Did you read Seventeen magazine growing up?
Of course! I can remember many sleepovers where we took the quizzes and learned about beauty secrets, fashion, and sex tips.
10. How did you learn to put on makeup?
I think from my friends. I had watched my mom with makeup growing up, and then watched my friends start wearing it before I did, however, I am not one for heavy foundation or thick makeup.