Monday, November 28, 2011

The Holiday Crush

I dont know what it is about the Holidays that gets everyone in the spirit, and maybe its because I watch too many Lifetime and ABC Family movies but lately i have been more and more in the spirit for love.

Since March I started having feelings for a close friend of mine. I can remember exactly when my feelings crossed over from just a friend to more than a friend. He had gone away for his grandfathers funeral and I remember missing him so much that the moment he returned I jumped in a cab over to meet up with our friends at the bar.

I was so happy he was back jn town and just being around him brought me happiness. In reality we are just friends. To him, i am one of the guys, someone he can talk to about music, movies, sports and sadly even women.

We have had a few late night bar chats just the two if us, catching up and even have dabbled in the occasional flirting but everything is pretty harmless.

Recently, he had the chance to meet my parents. It was one of the best moments in our friendship thus far. He was everything I had hoped for when introducing a guy to my parents. Kind, respectful, funny, and grateful for the meal they provided for us.

It seems like more and more each day I think about him. Whether I am waiting on the edge of my seat for him to send me a text or secretly hoping he asks to meet up for drinks, I am always thinking about him.

Like i said, maybe its the Lifetime movies that have rotted my brain but deep down, even if I dont always admit it, I am hoping for a christmas miracle.

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